类型 | 数字示波器 | 品Pai | 安捷伦(Agilent) |
型号 | DSOX3102A | 通道数 | 2 |
带宽 | 1000(MHz) | 采样率 | -(GS/s) |
记录长度 | -(k) | 波形捕获率 | -(wfms/s) |
外形尺寸 | -(mm) | 重量 | -(kg) |
加工定制 | 否 | | |
DSOX3102A示波器|安捷伦示波器|1GHz示波器|安捷伦DSOX3102A的产品介绍DSOX3102A Oscilloscope: 1 GHz, 2 Analog ChannelsDSOX3102A示波器|安捷伦示波器|1GHz示波器主要特性与技术指标See more of your signal more of the time•Largest screen in its class: 8.5-inch WVGA display•Fastest update rate of 1,000,000 waveforms per second•Deepest memory: 4 Mpts (Optional, 2Mpts interleaved standard)Do more with the power of 5 instruments in 1. Oscilloscope plus:•Integrated logic timing analyzer (MSO upgrade from DSO)•Only built-in 20-MHz function/arbitrary waveform generator•Only hardware-based serial-bus protocol analyzer•Digital Voltmeter (DVM) option with 3-digit voltage and 5-digit frequency counter measurementsGet more investment protection•Upgradability: add bandwidth, digital channels, or WaveGen after purchase•Optional serial protocol analysis applications including: I²C, SPI, RS232, UART, CAN, LIN, I²S, MIL-STD 1553, ARINC 429 and FlexRay•Additional applications including: Segmented memory, mask testing, advanced math and HDTV video•Power analysisDSOX3102A示波器|安捷伦示波器|1GHz示波器描述Agilent’s InfiniiVision DSOX3102A, offers price points to fit your budget with superior performance and optional capabilities that are not available in any other oscilloscope in its class. Agilent’s breakthrough technology delivers more scope for the same budget.如您想了解更多示波器探头相关知识,或是想SY示波器探头,请与深圳市邦亚电子科技有限公司客服联系。如您想定期收到我司新活动及促销,请写邮件告知我司。更多“邦亚电子”优势产品:温度校准器、数据采集器、测试仪、功率计、示波器、电子负载、电源、过程校准器、电信号校准器、压力校准器、毫安回路校准器、电压电流校准器公司:深圳市邦亚电子科技有限公司地址:深圳市南山创业路98号南光城市花园2栋2304室: 86381786:邮箱:网址:http://www.szby17.com http://www.szbangya.com