类型 | 数字示波器 | 品Pai | 惠普 |
型号 | 54601A | 通道数 | 4 |
带宽 | 100(MHz) | 外形尺寸 | 0(mm) |
重量 | 7(kg) | | |
带宽: 100MHz采样率 : 20MSa/sZ大记录长度 : 4000pt/sec ( 2000 points single shot)垂直灵敏度 : 2mV/div - 5V/div (三四通道100mV 或 500mV/div)主时基 : 2ns/div - 5s/div输入阻抗 : 1 MOhm输入耦合 : AC,DC,GND设定存储 : 16组北京迅捷飞亚电子科技有限公司地址:北京市海淀区清河新城2号楼2单元1704: 81236258:张女士网址:WWW.SELL17.CN邮箱:QQ: 296851597The HP 54601A oscilloscope provides the familiar, easy-to-use controls and interactive displays you"ve grown accustomed to on analog scopes. Yet, to solve your most difficult test problems, these scopes provide powerful digital features, such as pre-trigger viewing, waveform storage, and measurement automation. The 54601A features a real-time vector display that gives you a clear and accurate picture of your waveforms. The multi-processor architecture delivers a display up-date rate of over 500,000 points per second. In vector mode, it provides a fast screen refresh rate of 60 times/second, regardless of the number of waveforms displayed, and minimal display blind time so you can capture and display infrequent events that other scopes might miss.• 100 MHz Bandwidth• 4 Channel