上海广锐生物Z专业的 米吐尔 ,55-55-0 供应价格供应商,主营国产、进口(免费代测样品)Elisa试剂盒,生物试剂,标准品,葡聚糖凝胶,对照品,抗体,培养基,血清,生物仪器,实验设备等。公司以有影响力的销售方式吸引广大科研工作者的购买,不光买的放心、安心,提供免费实验过程中遇到问题的免费技术指导方面给予客户力所能及的支持。期待您的来电
Z专业供应试剂:米吐尔 ,55-55-0 供应价格供应商
上海广锐生物Z专业的 米吐尔 ,55-55-0 供应商, 主营国产、进口(免费代测样品)Elisa试剂盒,生物试剂,标准品,葡聚糖凝胶,对照品,抗体,培养基,血清,生物仪器,实验设备等。提供免费实验过程中遇到问题的免费技术指导方面给予客户力所能及的支持。产品详细介绍:
其他产品展示 米吐尔 ,55-55-0 ,进口试剂,品Pai试剂,免疫印迹抗体,试剂盒:
ab12269 Rabbit polyclonal to Amyloid beta precursor protein 100ul 3450
ab1227 Rabbit polyclonal to Biotin 100ug 3450
ab12270 Rabbit polyclonal to Amyloid beta precursor protein 100ul 3450
ab12271 Rabbit polyclonal to Amyloid beta precursor protein 100ul 3450
ab12272 Rabbit polyclonal to Presenilin 1 100ul 3450
ab12273 Rabbit polyclonal to Presenilin 1 100ul 3450
ab12274 Rabbit polyclonal to GAP43 - Neuronal Marker 100ul 3450
ab12275 Rabbit polyclonal to Prohormone Convertase 2 100ul 3450
ab12277 Rabbit polyclonal to Mannosidase II - Golgi Marker 100ul 3450
ab1228 Sheep polyclonal to Biotin 100ug 3450
ab12281 Rabbit polyclonal to Cdc27 (phospho T244) 100ug 3450
ab12282 Rabbit polyclonal to Apc6 (phospho T580) 100ug 3450
ab12286 Rabbit polyclonal to Drosha 50ul 1380
ab12286 Rabbit polyclonal to Drosha 200ul 3738
ab12289 Rabbit polyclonal to FIH/asparagine hydroxylase 100ug 3450
ab1229 Goat polyclonal to V5 tag (Agarose) 100ug 3450
ab12290 Rabbit polyclonal to UBE2C 100ug 3450
ab12292 Rabbit polyclonal to Cdc4 / Fbw7 / hSel 10 100ug 3450
ab12295 Mouse monoclonal [25D5 ] to SUG1 100ug 3450
ab12296 Rabbit polyclonal to B MyB 200ul 3450
ab12297 Rabbit polyclonal to p95 NBS1 (phospho S432) 100ug 3450
ab123 Rabbit polyclonal to EMSY 50ul 3450
ab1230 Goat polyclonal to T7 tag® (Agarose) 100ug 3450
ab12300 Rabbit polyclonal to Emi1 200ul 3450
ab1231 Goat polyclonal to 6X His tag® (Agarose) 100ug 3450
ab12317 Rabbit polyclonal to SETDB1 50ug 3450
ab12318 Rabbit polyclonal [BL893] to Topoisomerase II alpha 50ug 3450
ab12319 Rabbit polyclonal to DIAPH2 50ug 3450
ab1232 Mouse monoclonal [EDU-2 + 733] to CD4 + CD8 (Dual color: FITC + PE) 500ul 3450
ab12320 Rabbit polyclonal to RPA70 50ug 3450
ab12321 Rabbit polyclonal to COPS3 50ug 3450
ab12322 Rabbit polyclonal [BL1061] to COPS4 50ug 3450
ab12323 Rabbit polyclonal to JAB1 50ug 3450
ab12324 Rabbit polyclonal to Aurora A 50ug 3450
ab12325 Rabbit polyclonal to CoAA 50ug 3450
ab12326 Rabbit polyclonal to HCC1 50ug 3450
ab12327 Rabbit polyclonal to FHL2 50ul 3450
ab12328 Rabbit polyclonal to FHL2 50ul 3450
ab12329 Rabbit polyclonal to TRIP6 50ug 3450
ab1233 Goat polyclonal to HA tag (Agarose) 100ug 3450
ab12330 Rabbit polyclonal to TRIP6 50ul 3450
ab12331 Rabbit polyclonal to JLP 50ul 3450
ab12332 Rabbit polyclonal to JLP 100ul 3450
ab12336 Mouse monoclonal [8D1] to Farnesylated and Endoproteolyzed Lamin B1 100ug 3450 5毫克 Amresco
RSM0170 9074-06-0 蔗糖磷酸化酶/SP/Sucrose Phosphorylase BR,100u/mg 100U Amresco 保存-20℃
500U Amresco
RSM0171 9024-52-6 醛缩酶/丁醛醇酶/醇醛缩合酶/二磷酸果糖酶/丁酸醇酶/Aldolase from rabbit muscle BR,10u/mg 100U Amresco 2~8℃
200U Amresco
1KU Amresco
RSM0172 α-甘油磷酸脱氢酶-磷酸丙糖异构酶/3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶-磷酸丙糖异构酶/GDH-TIM/GDH-TPI BR 250U Amresco 2~8℃
1KU Amresco
RSM0173 9001-77-8 酸性磷酸酶/ACP BR,0.4u/mg,小麦,粉末 1克 Amresco 保存-20℃
5克 Amresco
BR,0.5-3u/mg,马铃薯,粉末 100毫克 Amresco
1克 Amresco
BR,10u/mg,甘薯,液体 500U Amresco 2~8℃
RSM0174 9014-74-8 肠激酶/肠胨酶/肠蛋白酶/肠肽酶/肠激活酶/Enteropeptidase BR,0.5u/mg 1.5KU Amresco 保存-20℃
重组体 200IU Amresco
RSM0175 9054-63-1 亮氨酸氨基肽酶/亮氨酸氨肽酶/肽链外切酶/AP-M/LAP BR,15-25u/mg,粉末 25U Amresco 保存-20℃
BR,10-40u/mg,液体 25U Amresco 2~8℃
RSM0176 9001-89-2 植酸酶/肌醇六磷酸酶/Phytase from wheat BR,0.01-0.04u/mg 5克 Amresco 保存-20℃
RSM0177 9025-71-2 单宁酶/鞣酸酶/丹宁酶/单宁酯酰水解酶/Tannase BR,200u/g 250毫克 Amresco 2~8℃
RSM0178 9001-57-4 蔗糖酶/果糖苷酶/转化酶/蔗糖转化酶/Invertase BR,200u/mg 250毫克 Amresco 2~8℃
1克 Amresco
RSM0179 9028-53-9 葡萄糖脱氢酶/Glucose Dehydrogenase 生物技术级,200u/mg 10毫克 Amresco 保存-20℃
重组体,100u/mg,液体 100U Amresco 2~8℃
500U Amresco
RSM0180 9067-77-0 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶/PEPC BR,0.05u/mg,粉末 25U Amresco 保存-20℃
BR,1u/mg,液体 100U Amresco 2~8℃
RSM0181 9015-82-1 血管紧张素转换酶/血管紧张素转化酶/ACE酶/ACE BR,2-6u/mg 0.1UN Amresco 保存-20℃
0.25UN Amresco
1UN Amresco
RSM0182 30827-99-7 4-(2-氨乙基)苯磺酰氟盐酸盐/AEBSF hydrochloride BR,97%,腐蚀品 25毫克 进分 保存-20℃
100毫克 进分
250毫克 进分
1克 进分
RSM0183 100938-10-1 氨肽酶YZ剂盐酸盐/Amastatin hydrochloride hydrate 超纯,98% 1毫克 Amresco 保存-20℃
RSM0184 9015-68-3 门冬酰胺酶/门冬酰氨酶/L-天冬酰胺酶/天冬酰胺酶/L-门冬酰胺酶/L-天门冬酰胺酶/Asparaginase from Escherichia coli USP级,96%,225IU/mg 500U Amresco 保存-20℃
RSM0185 97753-82-7 5-溴-3-吲哚基-β-D-吡喃半乳糖苷/Bluo-Gal 高纯,98% 100毫克 Amresco 保存-20℃
250毫克 Amresco
RSM0186 9028-00-6 梭菌蛋白酶/Clostripain from Clostridium histolyticum BR,50u/mg 1毫克 Amresco 2~8℃
5毫克 Amresco
RSM0187 66701-25-5 N-(反式-环氧丁二酰基)-L-亮氨酸-4-胍基丁基酰胺/E-64蛋白酶YZ剂/反-环氧丁二酰基-L-亮氨酰胺基(4-胍基)丁烷/E-64 超纯,98% 5毫克 Amresco 保存-20℃
米吐尔 ,55-55-0 价格供应商优质促销,欢迎咨询订购,我们会竭诚为您服务!