上海广锐生物Z专业的 DL-谷氨酸/2-氨基戊二酸 ,19285-83-7 供应价格供应商,主营国产、进口(免费代测样品)Elisa试剂盒,生物试剂,标准品,葡聚糖凝胶,对照品,抗体,培养基,血清,生物仪器,实验设备等。公司以有影响力的销售方式吸引广大科研工作者的购买,不光买的放心、安心,提供免费实验过程中遇到问题的免费技术指导方面给予客户力所能及的支持。期待您的来电
Z专业供应试剂:DL-谷氨酸/2-氨基戊二酸 ,19285-83-7 供应价格供应商
上海广锐生物Z专业的 DL-谷氨酸/2-氨基戊二酸 ,19285-83-7 供应商, 主营国产、进口(免费代测样品)Elisa试剂盒,生物试剂,标准品,葡聚糖凝胶,对照品,抗体,培养基,血清,生物仪器,实验设备等。提供免费实验过程中遇到问题的免费技术指导方面给予客户力所能及的支持。产品详细介绍:
其他产品展示 DL-谷氨酸/2-氨基戊二酸 ,19285-83-7 ,进口试剂,品Pai试剂,免疫印迹抗体,试剂盒:
b15109 Rabbit polyclonal to Dysferlin, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15110 Mouse monoclonal [SPM133] to Fascin 500ul 3450
ab15111 Mouse monoclonal [SPM133] to Fascin, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15112 Rabbit polyclonal to Oct1 500ul 3450
ab15113 Rabbit polyclonal to Oct1, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15114 Rabbit polyclonal to Oct2 500ul 3450
ab15115 Rabbit polyclonal to Oct2, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15116 Rabbit polyclonal to Aquaporin 2 25ul 3450
ab15117 Rabbit polyclonal to Aquaporin 3 25ul 3450
ab15118 Rabbit polyclonal to Aquaporin 4 25ul 3450
ab15119 Rabbit polyclonal to Aquaporin 5 25ul 3450
ab15120 Rabbit polyclonal to Aquaporin 6 25ul 3450
ab15122 Rabbit polyclonal to Aquaporin 7 25ul 3450
ab15123 Chicken polyclonal to Aquaporin 7 25ul 3450
ab15124 Rabbit polyclonal to Aquaporin 8 25ul 3450
ab15125 Rabbit polyclonal to Amylin 1ml 3450
ab15126 Chicken polyclonal to Aquaporin 8 25ul 3450
ab15127 Rabbit polyclonal to Aquaporin 9 25ul 3450
ab15128 Rabbit polyclonal to Amylin, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15129 Chicken polyclonal to Aquaporin 9 25ul 3450
ab15130 Rabbit polyclonal to c-Abl 500ul 3450
ab15131 Rabbit polyclonal to Aquaporin 10 50ug 3450
ab15132 Rabbit polyclonal to Aquaporin Adipose Specific 25ul 3450
ab15133 Rabbit polyclonal to c-Abl, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15134 Chicken polyclonal to Aquaporin Adipose Specific 25ul 3450
ab15135 Rabbit polyclonal to ErbB 3 500ul 3450
ab15136 Rabbit polyclonal to ErbB 3, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15137 Rabbit polyclonal to ErbB 4 500ul 3450
ab15140 Rabbit polyclonal to ErbB 4, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15142 Mouse monoclonal [SPM111] to MUC16 1ml 3450
ab15144 Mouse monoclonal [SPM111] to MUC16, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15145 Mouse monoclonal [3H2201] to 6X His tag® (Biotin) 50ug 3450
ab15146 Mouse monoclonal [SPM110] to CA19-9 1ml 3450
ab15147 Mouse monoclonal [SPM110] to CA19-9, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15148 Rabbit polyclonal to E Cadherin 500ul 3450
ab15149 Mouse monoclonal [3H2201] to 6X His tag® 250ug 3450
ab15150 Rabbit polyclonal to E Cadherin, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15151 Rabbit polyclonal to alpha 1 Catenin, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15153 Rabbit polyclonal to gamma Catenin 500ul 3450
ab15154 Rabbit polyclonal to Homocysteine 50ul 3450
ab15155 Rabbit polyclonal to gamma Catenin, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15157 Rabbit polyclonal to Carcino Embryonic Antigen CEA, prediluted 7ml 3450
ab15158 Goat polyclonal to HODE ( S13) 50ul 3450
ab15160 Rabbit polyclonal to Chromogranin A 1ml 3450 BR,200u/g 250毫克 Amresco
RSM0137 9035-75-0 胰凝乳蛋白酶原/糜蛋白酶原/Chymotrypsinogen A BR,1500u/mg 1克 Amresco 2~8℃
5克 Amresco
RSM0138 降纤酶/Defibrase BR,1200u/mg 100u Amresco 2~8℃
1ku Amresco
RSM0139 39445-21-1 弹性蛋白酶(猪胰)/弹性硬朊酶/胰肽酶E/胰肽酶I/弹性水解酶/胰弹性酶/弹性酶/Elastase 生物技术级,30u/mg 1克 Amresco 保存:-20℃
5克 Amresco
高层析纯,8u/mg 5毫克 Amresco
20毫克 Amresco
RSM0140 9028-79-9 半乳糖氧化酶/Galactose oxidase 高纯,30u/mg 150u Amresco 保存:-20℃
1KU Amresco
RSM0141 9075-65-4 α-甘油磷酸脱氢酶/3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶/α-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase BR,100-300u/mg 1KU Amresco 2~8℃
RSM0142 9001-64-3 苹果酸脱氢酶/Malate dehydrogenase/MDH 超纯,1200u/mg,液体 25KU Amresco 2~8℃
BR,200u/mg,粉末 25KU Amresco
RSM0143 9013/2/9 肌激酶/Myokinase BR,1500-3000u/mg 1ku SimgaM3003原装 2~8℃
RSM0144 9001-67-6 神经氨酸酶(梭菌)/神经氨酸苷酶/唾液酸苷酶/神经氨糖酸苷酶/神经氨酶/神经酰氨酶/受体破坏酶/Neuraminidase BR,0.5u/mg 2.5U Amresco 保存:-20℃
10U Amresco
RSM0145 9002/10/2 多酚氧化酶(菌菇)/酪氨酸酶/酥氨基酸酶/多聚苯酚氧化酶/儿茶酚氧化酶/Polyphenol oxidase BR,500u/mg 25KU Amresco 保存:-20℃
100KU Amresco
RSM0146 9001-59-6 丙酮酸激酶/丙酮酸磷转称酶/磷酸丙酮酸激酶/PK BR,300u/mg,粉末 5KU Amresco 保存:-20℃
精制级,350-600u/mg,粉末 1KU SigmaP9136
生物技术级,200u/mg,液体 1KU Amresco 2~8℃
RSM0147 CAS:9002-09-9 酪氨酸脱羧酶/Tyrosine decarboxylase USP级,0.1u/mg 25u Amresco 保存:-20℃
BR,0.1u/mg 250毫克 Amresco
RSM0148 9002/12/4 尿酸酶/脲酸酶/尿酸氧化酶/UAO 生物技术级,10u/mg 1KU Amresco 保存:-20℃
RSM0149 9039-53-6 尿激酶/雅激酶/尿活素/U-血纤维蛋白溶酶原激活剂/Urokinase BR,500u/mg 10毫克 Amresco 保存:-20℃
RSM0149-1 9001-90-5 人纤溶酶/人纤维蛋白溶酶/Fibrinolysin BR,2u/mg 150ug Amresco 保存:-20℃
500ug Amresco
RSM0150 CAS:9001-06-3 几丁质酶/壳多糖酶/Chitinase BR,200u/g 5U Amresco 保存:-20℃
25U Amresco
RSM0151 9028-56-2 3α羟基类固醇脱氢酶/羟基甾族化合物氧化还原酶/羟固醇/HSD BR,50u/mg 500U Amresco 保存:-20℃
1KU Amresco
RSM0152 9029-22-5 肌氨酸氧化酶/SAO/Sarcosine Oxidase BR,5-10u/mg 100U Amresco 保存:-20℃
1KU Amresco
RSM0153 9025-13-2 肌酐酶/CAH/Creatininase amidohydrolase BR,100-300u/mg 1KU Amresco 保存:-20℃
RSM0154 37340-58-2 肌酸酶/肌氨酸酶/CRH BR,10-20u/mg 1KU Amresco 保存:-20℃
RSM0155 9025-54-1 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸水解酶/SAHH BR,700U/mg 1毫克 Amresco 保存:-20℃
RSM0156 9030-21-1 嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶/PNP/Purine-nucleoside phosphorylase BR,100-200u/mg 500U Amresco 保存:-20℃
1KU Amresco
RSM0157 9026-93-1 腺苷脱氨酶/腺甙脱氨酶/腺苷脱氨基酶/ADA BR,150-250u/mg 250U Amresco 2~8℃
DL-谷氨酸/2-氨基戊二酸 ,19285-83-7 价格供应商优质促销,欢迎咨询订购,我们会竭诚为您服务!