我们的产品都有质量保障还有一年保修,在我们这你一次购买终身受益。我们的产品操作简便、便于维护。以及故障自检可以准确定位故障部位及类型。想了解更多产品资讯欢迎来电咨询。我们主要销售的天然气气体报警器等安防产品应用范围广泛:有 化工、石油、消防、电力、冶金、生物制药、燃气、矿井等天然气气体报警器主要用来检测天然气的具体气体浓度值,探测器现场液晶显示天然气泄漏浓度值,由气体报警控制器配套气体探测器构成系统,各个探测点气体浓度独立显示,主机与探测器采用两总线M-BUS或RS48S连接,安装布线方便,可对多个监控点集中控制,当环境中探测气体的浓度达到或超过设定的报警值时,报警器立即发出声光报警,以提醒用户采取安全措施。可实现联动排风扇、电磁阀、喷淋系统、上传PLC/DCS等外接设备的联动。
天然气报警器可实时对现场天然气泄漏浓度值监控,实现气体浓度的实时显示及浓度超标后的一体式声光报警功能,采用进口催化燃烧式传感器,用来检测空气中天然气含量是否超标,可通过开关量信号传输联动排风扇、电磁阀、喷淋系统等外接设备。高精度在线监测天然气泄漏报警仪,主要是由气体探测器和气体报警控制器两部分组成,需要具备国家要求的各项资质(防爆合格证、生产许可证、检验报告、合格证等)The gas alarm is mainly used to detect the specific gas concentration of natural gas. The liquid crystal of the detector shows the leakage concentration of natural gas. The system is composed of gas detectors matched with gas alarm controller. The gas concentration of each detection point is displayed independently. The host and detector are connected by two buses M-BUS or RS48S. It is easy to install and wiring, and can centralize the control of multiple monitoring points. When the concentration of detected gas in the environment reaches or exceeds the set alarm value, the alarm immediately sends out sound and light alarm to remind users to take safety measures. It can realize the linkage of external equipment such as linkage exhaust fan, solenoid valve, spray system and upload PLC/DCS. Natural gas alarm can monitor the concentration of natural gas leakage in real time, realize the function of real-time display of gas concentration and integrated acousto-optic alarm after the concentration exceeds the standard. The imported catalytic combustion sensor is used to detect whether the content of natural gas in the air exceeds the standard. The external equipment such as exhaust fan, solenoid valve and spray system can be linked through the transmission of switching signal. High-precision on-line monitoring gas leakage alarm instrument is mainly composed of gas detector and gas alarm controller. It needs all qualifications required by the state (explosion-proof qualification certificate, production license, inspection report, qualification certificate, etc.).
◆分 辨 率:1%LEL;1PPM/0.1PPM
◆防爆等级:Ex d ⅡC T6 Gb;
◆电 源:DC24V±10%;
◆功 耗:≤3W;


http://www./c135879/products/d8358504.html |