||分 辨 率:1%LEL;1PPM/0.1PPM
||:Ex d ⅡC T6 Gb;
||电 源:DC24V±10%;
||功 耗:≤3W;
Hydrogen sulfide gas alarm gas detector is developed according to national standard and national product quality technical requirements. The instrument can satisfy the sound and light alarm prompt of gas detection field, and real-time display and monitor the gas concentration at the scene. The infrared remote control type is adopted in the field debugging, and the parameters can be set without opening the cover. The hydrogen sulfide gas alarm S100 point type gas detector can transform the leakage gas concentration signal in the air into electrical signal for long-distance transmission. The instrument can adopt three-wire 4-20mA or four-bus RS485 output mode, which has the advantages of long transmission distance and anti-interference. The hydrogen sulfide gas alarm S100 point type gas detector is widely used for detecting the leakage concentration of combustible gas and toxic and harmful gas in industrial environment. Technical specifications of Shijiazhuang hydrogen sulfide gas alarm | | | Shanghai hydrogen sulfide gas alarm: detection principle: catalytic combustion; electrochemical formula; infrared detection gas: combustible gas; liquid vapor TVOC; toxic and harmful gas sampling method: natural diffusion test range: (0-) LEL; 0-** PPM resolution: 1% LEL; 1PPM/0.1PPM full measurement error: full volume Range <3%LEL; state indication: LCD indication debugging mode: control device; state indication: LCD indication debugging mode: control device; response time: <20s_recovery time: <30s_ambiambient temperature: -40 -70 (-40 Temp40 Temp70 (-70 C C relative humidity: <95%; explosiexplosiexplosion-proof mode: explosion-proof type; Ex dII C T6 Gb; protection level: IP65 power supply: DCV [+10%]]];;;;;;;; 10%; output signal: 4 W _Installation of gongs: G1/2; Use of cables: > 1.5mm2 *3; > 1.5mm2 *4 Maximum distance between detector and main engine: <1500m; Weight of whole machine: <1500g; Pressure limit: 86kPa-106 kPa; Use of Shijiazhuang hydrogen sulfide gas alarm in dangerous places with explosive combustible gas IIA-IIC grade and temperature group T1-T6 | Shanghai hydrogen sulfide gas Report Police device