The principle of the color Doppler Doppler diagnostic instrument is that the oscillating part of the instrument emits a certain frequency of ultrasonic wave through the probe to the part to be examined. If the interface moves to the probe, the echo frequency is higher than the emission frequency. When the interface moves away from the probe, the echo frequency decreases, and the difference between them is called the difference frequency. The difference frequency is directly proportional to the velocity of the interface. The Doppler signal is detected and analyzed, and it can be concluded by amplifying or detecting or displaying it on the screen of the oscilloscope.
Performance characteristics
1. High quality ultrasound images: Doppler spectrum / energy images show high blood flow sensitivity, showing clear tissue and tissue fine blood flow.
2. High precision full digital imaging: full digital beamforming / full time continuous dynamic focusing / real-time dynamic aperture / real time dynamic tracking / real-time dynamic high density beam scanning / real-time independent frequency conversion. The focus number / focus of any combination / focus position is adjustable.
3. Advanced image processing techniques: automatic image optimization enhancement / smoothing filter / frame correlation / sharpening / pseudo color / color priority / color afterglow / compression / noise reduction / gray transform / high frame frequency processing / real-time image amplification.
声音调节 重复脉冲频率(PRF) 动态范围 增强 声功率 灰阶图 左右翻转 上下翻转
image processing
8 segment TGC pre setting
Gain (black and white, color, Doppler)
Sound Regulated Repetitive Pulse Frequency (PRF) Dynamic Range Enhanced Sound Power Gray Scale Map Flipping Up and Down