本次迷你机房采用4节12V 150Ah的蓄电池,安装在机柜底部电池仓。
?第1路 SW0(20A),接BBU;
?第7路 SW6(12A),接HEX02(热交换温控门直流电源);
?第8路 SW7(12A),接手持照明灯;
?第9路 SW8(12A),接EMUA单板
?RS485告警接口,接至BBU MON1端口,对应基站侧添加单板为2框1槽;
SW_ADDR 通信协议选择 0010 0 ON ,1 OFF
SW_BKE 1 水浸 OFF 使用
2 烟雾 ON
3 红外 ON 不使用
4 门磁 ON 使用
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4 people from the general manager of Fujian tower Zhang Zhibing visited Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Fujian electric power), to further implement the strategic cooperation agreement just signed by the headquarters of the two sides, and to open a new cooperation model of "shared iron tower".
Fujian tower Zhang Zhibing general manager first thanks to Fujian electric power for a long time to the concern and help of the tower company, the rapid development of the tower company, the high-speed construction of the 4G network can not be separated from the strong support of the power company, especially in the process of natural disaster emergency. He pointed out that since the founding of the Fujian iron tower, the new development concept has been actively practiced and the industry is committed to reducing the duplication of construction. In the past three years, 50 thousand towers have been built less and a large amount of industry investment and social resources have been saved. In May 2017, with the help of Fujian electric power, the two sides took the lead in experimentation with the national power tower sharing station, sharing from the industry to cross industry resources integration and sharing. In addition, the two sides signed the strategic cooperation agreement very early, in strengthening business cooperation, service guarantee, improving infrastructure planning and pushing forward. Extensive cooperation in green power applications and disaster relief and emergency coordination has been carried out and there is a good foundation for cooperation. On this basis, the two sides quickly promote the headquarters of the headquarters strategic cooperation agreement to the ground, explore specific cooperation projects, jointly provide high quality services for the local economic construction in the new period, and open a new cooperative model of "shared iron tower".
The general manager of Fujian electric power Chen, pointed out that the construction speed of Fujian tower has been witnessed in three years, effectively speeding up the development process of 4G network in our province, strongly supporting the development of "Digital China" in Fujian and the deepening of "digital Fujian", and Fujian electric power has the responsibility to provide strong support for the Fujian tower. 17 years ago, the general secretary of Xi Jinping, during the period of the main government of Fujian, made great foresight and made an important decision to build "digital Fujian". Fujian, as the source of thought and the starting point of the practice of Digital China, had a unique advantage. It is believed that with the landing of the headquarters strategic agreement and the deepening of the cooperation between the two sides, the power tower in urban and rural areas will be widely used in communication construction. On the one hand, the function of the power tower can be extended and the utilization of resources in the power industry can be improved. On the one hand, it can promote the wide coverage and quick cover of the telecommunication network, and strongly support the "network power" strategy. The implementation is of profound significance. At the next stage, Fujian electric power will increase the power guarantee level of the tower company, which is listed as the most basic guarantee unit of the economic and social sectors, such as tap water and hospitals.
The two sides also agreed that the relevant functional departments should act immediately, establish a normal communication and communication mechanism, eat through the connotation of the strategic cooperation agreement of the headquarters, fully consult and cooperate closely, to ensure the signing of new cooperation agreements within this month.
The strategic cooperation signing ceremony of the China iron tower Limited by Share Ltd Jiangsu branch and the national network Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. was held in Nanjing. This is the strategic cooperation of the first national tower system and the national network power system at the provincial level following the strategic cooperation agreement signed by the China Tower and the national grid in April 24th. Yin Jijun, chairman of Jiangsu electric power network, Party Secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Party committee of Jiangsu iron tower company and general manager Li Gong attended the signing ceremony, Chen Qing, deputy general manager of Jiangsu electric power, and Dai Haibing, deputy general manager of Jiangsu iron tower, signed the strategic cooperation agreement between the two sides respectively.
Jiangsu electric power has 35 thousand volts and more substations 3112, transmission lines 95 thousand kilometers, 110 thousand volts and above the high voltage transmission tower over 12 million. At the same time, Jiangsu iron tower company has a total of 90 thousand iron tower resources in the province, urban floor resources 75 thousand, in the core area of the deployment of rich floor and machine room resources. The two sides will deeply implement the concept of "innovation, coordination, green, open and shared" in the nineteen major reports of the party. We will deepen cooperation in three aspects, such as resource sharing, technical cooperation and planning and cooperation, to achieve complementary advantages and win-win cooperation, to jointly improve the efficiency of the utilization of social resources, and to serve "strong wealth and high". The construction of Jiangsu.
In 2017, the Jiangsu tower and Jiangsu electric power have tried to explore and practice resource sharing innovation. In December 2017, the first domestic 220KV high voltage power communication tower, developed by both sides, was successfully used in the southeast corner of the Taishan road in Jianye District, Nanjing and the southeast corner of the cross section of Meng Du street. The tower relies on the power pole resources to solve the problem of weak 4G signal coverage in this area. Electric power relies on the tower cabinet and power supply to complete the electric power wireless. The construction of a special network base station. The signing of this cooperation agreement is a milestone for the two sides to fully share the basic resources of the power and communications industry and promote the integration and development of the "communication tower" and the "power tower", marking the new stage of "shared iron tower" in Jiangsu from pilot operation into a comprehensive promotion.
At the signing ceremony, Yin Jijun, chairman of Jiangsu electric power and party secretary of the Party committee, said that both Jiangsu electric power and Jiangsu tower were leading enterprises with important influence in their respective fields. The two sides signed strategic cooperation agreements to better combine the construction of communication network with the construction of smart grid, the construction of high-end power grid in Jiangsu, and a million level communication site. The construction of resource base is of great significance. It creates favorable conditions for Jiangsu electric power and Jiangsu iron tower to continue to innovate and lead the country continuously, and has a positive role in promoting the economic and social development of Jiangsu and the implementation of the network power, digital China, and the implementation of the intelligent society.
Li Gong, the Secretary and general manager of the Party committee of the Jiangsu iron tower, said that the tower company was born for sharing, and the tower of Jiangsu was established for more than three years. The construction and sharing and integration of resources have been reduced by more than 10 billion yuan, which has provided a strong support to the speed reduction of the communications industry, and also brought real benefits to the people of the whole province. "Sense of gain". The number of 5G base stations in the future will be several times as many as 4G. The national Power Grid Corp has a huge scale of tower and tower resources, a considerable portion of which can meet the requirements for the mounting of communication equipment. The sharing of cooperation between the two sides not only meets the requirements of 5G network deployment, but also meets the concept of green development and coordinated development, and can bring good economic and social benefits.
According to the agreement, Jiangsu electric power will provide the basic resources, such as the electric power pole and tower that meet the conditions, support the communication infrastructure such as the construction of the base station of the Jiangsu iron tower, and jointly promote the cooperation and construction of the power station. The Jiangsu tower will open the infrastructure of the tower and floor and other infrastructure, the machine cabinet and the channel and so on to support the Jiangsu electricity in an all-round way. It builds power wireless special network, and provides infrastructure and information services for micro weather monitoring, on-line monitoring of transmission lines, distributed energy monitoring and so on.
It is commendable that, in order to ensure the implementation of the sharing of power and tower resources, the two sides have formulated "sharing and leasing implementation exercises" on the basis of the construction industry, the electric power industry, the communications industry and the respective technical specifications. The scheme is the first standardized, standardized, process and systematized operation scheme in the country. It takes into account the safety factors such as load bearing, lightning protection and electromagnetic, as well as the working process of demand docking, process implementation, delivery rent, operation and maintenance, and comprehensively combs the techniques of evaluation, design, construction and acceptance. Standards and related qualification requirements provide specific and operable guidance for the sharing of resources between the two systems. It is of great reference value for both sides of the country to cooperate.
The open sharing of power towers and communication towers can promote the wide coverage and rapid coverage of telecommunications networks, support the implementation of the "network power" strategy, support the 4G network coverage and 5G network deployment, promote the formation and sharing of cooperation models for electric power and communication enterprises, promote the grid enterprises to revitalize the resources, improve the efficiency and benefit the state-owned assets protection. Value added and amplification function; effectively reduce the new communication iron tower base station occupation of land resources, for the establishment of a "resource-saving, environmentally friendly" society to establish a model.
The next step, the two sides will further improve the working mechanism, promote the sharing of resources in the province to promote the implementation of the whole province, for the tower company and the national household electrical appliances network company to provide Jiangsu model, Jiangsu economic and social development and better life for the people to make greater contributions.