间日疟原虫快检试纸 本试剂盒主要是采用胶体金层析的原理制成,用于检测人体血清/血浆/全血标本中,感染的疟原虫抗体,包括了恶性疟原虫和间日疟原虫、卵形疟原虫、三日疟原虫共有抗原的鉴别性检测。
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( MOB:杨永汉)

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
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此部 份受伤或受压(如脑肿瘤)会危及生命。由于由不能再生的ZY神经 元组成,故此部分受伤许多时都是致命的。延髓对肌紧张的调节延髓 ZY的网状结构控制着肌紧张,在保持姿势中有重要作用。根据对肌 紧张的作用,可将脑干网状结构划分为易化区和YZ区。易化区范围 较大,分布在广大脑干的ZY区域,延髓网状结构背外侧部仅占其中 一小部分。YZ区范围较小,位于延髓尾侧网状结构的腹内侧部分。 延髓通过网状脊髓束,前庭脊髓束直接控制脊髓前角α运动神经元, 也可间接通过γ环路来调节α运动神经元的活动水平以维持肌紧张。 平时易化区和YZ区的活动处于相对平衡状态,使肌紧张不致过高或 过低(见脑干网状结构)。参与觉醒和睡眠活动延髓除了有下行冲动 来控制肌肉紧张和姿势外,它的头端部分是网状结构上行激活系统的 一部分,它弥散性地向皮层投射以保持机体处于觉醒状态。延髓和脑 桥下部的低位脑干中还存在着一种对抗头端网状结构上升激活系统的 ,它们的活动可以引起睡眠和脑电同步化,被称为网状结构上行 YZ系统,它与上升激活系统统一协调地控制着睡眠与觉醒(见脑干 网状结构)。延髓对自主性和内脏活动的影响 对唾液分泌的调节 延 髓中的上、下涎核分别控制着颌下腺、舌下腺和腮腺的分泌。对消化 道运动及分泌的调节延髓通过迷走神经背核的传出纤维支配食道、胃 肠道的平滑肌并调节其运动;迷走神经也影响着、肝和小肠的消 化液分泌;延髓背外侧网状结构中有呕吐;在迷走神经背核附近 的网状结构中有吞咽。延髓调节有关的自主性神经系统功能活动 过程,是与下丘脑、大脑边缘系统密切的,是完整的机体调节系 统中的一个功能组成单位。由延髓发出的植物性神经传出纤维支配头 部的所有腺体、心脏、支气管、喉头、食管、胃、、肝和小肠等 ;同时,脑干网状结构中存在许多与内脏活动功能有关的神经元,其 下行纤维支配脊髓,调节着脊髓的植物性神经功能。
This part of the injury or pressure (such as brain tumors) can be life-threatening. Part of the injury is often fatal due to the inability to regenerate central neurons. Medulla oblongata regulation of muscle tension The medulla oblongata central network controls muscle tension and plays an important role in maintaining posture. According to the role of muscle tension, brainstem reticular structure can be divided into facilitation zone and inhibition zone. Easy to change a larger area, distributed in the central area of the vast brainstem, medulla oblongata only a small part of it. The inhibitory zone is small and lies in the medial portion of the caudal reticular network. The medulla oblongata directly controls the α motor neurons in the anterior horn of the spinal cord via the reticular spinal cord bundle and the vestibular spinal cord bundle. It can also indirectly regulate the activity of α motor neurons through the γ loop to maintain muscle tone. Peacetime and inhibition zone activities in a relatively balanced state, so that muscle tension will not be too high or too low (see brainstem reticular structure). Participation in Awakening and Sleep Activity In addition to having downward urges to control muscle tension and posture, the medulla oblongata is part of the reticular ascending activation system that projects diffusely toward the cortex to keep the body awake. The medulla oblongata and lower brainstem in the lower part of the pons also exist a kind of hub against the ascending reticular ascending activation system. Their activities can cause synchronization of sleep and electroencephalogram, which is called as the reticular ascending inhibitory system. Ascent activates a system of coordinated sleep and arousal control (see Brainstem Reticulum). Medulla oblongata on the autonomy and visceral activity on the regulation of salivary secretion medulla oblongata in the upper and lower salivary nuclei control the submandibular gland, sublingual gland and parotid gland secretion. Regulation of Gastrointestinal Motility and Secretion The medulla oblongata mediates the smooth muscle of the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract through the efferent fibers of the dorsal vagal nucleus and regulates their motility. The vagus nerve also affects the secretion of digestive juice in the pancreas, liver and small intestine. The medullary dorsolateral reticular network In vomiting center; in the vagus nerve near the dural center of the swallowing center. Medulla regulation related to the autonomous nervous system functional activity process, is closely linked with the hypothalamus, brain marginal system, is a complete body of the regulatory system of a functional unit. The vegetative nerve fibers from the medulla dominate all the glands, heart, bronchi, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver and small intestine of the head; at the same time, there are many functions related to visceral activity in the brainstem reticular structure Of the neurons, the descending fiber dominates the spinal cord, regulating the autonomic nerve function of the spinal cord.