Malaria疟原虫诊断试纸(免疫吸附法) 本试剂盒主要是采用胶体金层析的原理制成,用于检测人体血清/血浆/全血标本中,感染的疟原虫抗体,包括了恶性疟原虫和间日疟原虫、卵形疟原虫、三日疟原虫共有抗原的鉴别性检测。
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( MOB:杨永汉)

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】 杨永汉
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神经系统的5-羟色胺神经元,主要分布在中缝 核及其附近网状结核内,是脑内合成5-羟色胺的主要部位。它们与脊 髓和脑的各级水平相当广泛,功能多样:中缝核的脊髓后角的色 胺能下行通路,属下行性YZ通路,可能是YZ后角的痛觉传入, 从而参与痛与镇痛过程。下行纤维也与躯体运动及内脏活动的调节有 关;中缝向上的纤维叫做色胺能上行通路,与下丘脑、边缘系统以及 大脑皮层发生,参与内分泌、体温的调节,也与维持醒觉、睡眠 、情绪等活动有关;中缝核纤维与纹状体、小脑等部位,与锥体 外系的运动调节有关。延髓(medulla oblongata)也叫延脑。居于 脑的Z下部,与脊髓相连,上接脑桥;其主要功能为控制基本生命活 动,如控制呼吸、心跳、消化等。 延髓向下经枕骨大孔连结脊髓,随 着脑各部的发育,胚胎时期的神经管就在脑的各部内部形成一个连续 的脑室系统。 延髓是心血管的基本,在延髓以上的脑干部分以及 小脑和大脑中,都存在与心血管活动有关的神经元。延髓是脑干Z下 方的结构,位于小脑正前方。长约一吋半,阔约半吋。 它具有第九至 第十二颅神经及多个神经束的核,延髓形似倒置的锥体,长约3cm,前 靠枕骨基底部,后上方为小脑,下在枕骨大孔处,相当*颈神经根 部位与脊髓相接,二者外形分界不明显。延髓上端与脑桥在腹面以横 行的延髓脑桥沟bulbopontine sulcus分界,在背面则以第四脑室底 上横行的髓纹为界线。脊髓表面的诸纵行沟裂向上延续到延髓。在延 髓腹面,前正中裂两侧有隆起的锥体Pyramid,主要由皮质脊髓束纤 维聚成(因此皮质脊髓束也可称为锥体束)。在延髓和脊髓交界处, 组成锥体的纤维束大部交叉,在外形上可以看到锥体交叉 decussation of Pyramidal阻塞了前正中裂。锥体的外侧有卵圆形 隆起的橄榄olive,内含下橄榄核。
The serotonin neurons in the central nervous system, which are mainly distributed in the nucleus raphe nucleus and the reticular tuberculosis in its vicinity, are the main sites for the synthesis of serotonin in the brain. They are associated with a wide range of levels in the spinal cord and the brain, and are diverse in function: the serotoninergic down-path of the spinal dorsal horn of the raphe nucleus, which is a descending central inhibitory pathway, which may be the inhibition of the pain relief of the posterior horn, thereby participating in pain and Analgesic process. The descending fibers are also related to the regulation of somatic movement and visceral activity; the fibers in the suture upwards are called the tryptamine uptake pathway and are associated with the hypothalamus, limbic system, and cerebral cortex and participate in the regulation of endocrine and body temperature, as well as the maintenance of consciousness and sleep. Emotions and other activities related to; nucleus raphe fibrous striatum, cerebellum and other parts of the connection, and extrapyramidal movements related to the regulation of movement. Medulla oblongata (medulla oblongata) also known as the brain. Living in the lowest part of the brain, it is connected to the spinal cord and is connected to the pons; its main function is to control basic life activities such as controlling breathing, heartbeat, and digestion. The medulla oblongata connects the spinal cord down through the foramen magnum, and as the brain develops, the embryonic neural tube forms a continuous ventricle system inside the brain. The medulla oblongata is the basic center of the cardiovascular system. In the brain stem above the medulla and in the cerebellum and brain, there are neurons involved in cardiovascular activities. Medulla oblongata is the bottom of the structure of the brain stem, located in front of the cerebellum. It is about one and a half centimeters long and about half an hour wide. It has a nucleus of the ninth to twelfth cranial nerves and multiple nerve bundles. The medulla oblongata resembles an inverted pyramid. It is about 3 cm in length. It is located on the base of the occipital anteriorly, and the cerebellum is located on the posterior side and the occipital foramen. Cervical nerve roots and spinal cord phase, the boundary between the two is not obvious. The upper medulla oblongata and pons were bordered by transverse bulbocpontine sulcus in the ventral surface, and the medullary lines transverse to the fourth ventricle in the back were defined as the boundary. Longitudinal dorsal furrows on the surface of the spinal cord extend up to the medulla oblongata. In the ventral aspect of the medullary cavity, pyramidal Pyramid with bulges on both sides of the anterior midline fissure is mainly composed of cortical spinal bundle fibers (thus, the corticospinal tract may also be referred to as a pyramidal bundle). At the junction of the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord, the fiber bundles that make up the cone intersect mostly, and the pyramidal cross can be seen in the decussation of Pyramidal blocking the anterior midline fissure. The outer side of the cone is oval-shaped olive olive, containing the next olive core.