货号 | 产品名称 | 产品描述 | 产品规格 | 保存条件 |
JL-ET01 | 免疫捕获诺如病毒检测试剂盒 | 用于检测粪便标本中的诺如病毒抗原,以支持诺如病毒感染的诊断。 | 20T/盒 | 2-30℃ |
JL-ET02 | 免疫捕获军团菌检测试剂盒 | 用于检测尿样中嗜肺军团菌血清型1抗原,以支持军团菌感染的诊断。 | 20T/盒 | 2-30℃ |
JL-ET03 | 免疫捕获肺炎链球菌检测试剂盒 | 用于检测尿标本中的肺炎链球菌抗原,以支持肺炎链球菌感染的诊断。 | 20T/盒 | 2-30℃ |

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室

有些染色体上除了初级缢痕以外,还有一个次级缢痕(secon-dary constriction),连上一个叫做随体(salite)的远端染色体小段。次级缢痕的位置也是固定的。在细胞分裂将结束时,核内出现一个到几个核仁,核仁总是出现在次级缢痕的地方,所以次级缢痕也叫做核仁形成区(nucleolar organizer)如图:着丝粒是有丝分裂或减数分裂中的染色体高度压缩的一个区域,在此纺锤体纤维与其结合。复杂的DNA序列构成了着丝粒。发育的面包酵母(啤酒酵母)的着丝粒长度约为220个碱基对,并且通过多种与剩余DNA结合组蛋白有明显区别的蛋白质共同保护其免受限制性核酸内切酶(简称限制酶)的消病毒。虽然着丝粒区域通过特殊的蛋自质保护其免受限制性内切核酸酶的攻击,但该区域投有核小体而且被去凝聚,这似乎说明了在有丝分裂和减数分裂过程中着丝粒区域被高度缩窄原病毒。着丝粒的220对碱基序列两侧是限制性内切核酸酶敏感位点,该位点的功能也许是促进DNA的断裂,有助于染色单体在后期的相互分离。限制性内切核酸酶是一种在核酸内特殊位点进行切割的酶类。
真核染色体可被不同程度的浓缩。Z低的浓缩结构是伸展的核小体形式(extended nucleosome form)(图3一la)。核小体是由近乎球状的组蛋白形成的八聚体(histone)(H2a、H2b、H3和H4)和在其外围绕两圈的DNA所构成。DNA的约200个碱基对围绕着由组蛋白构成的球形体。并有DNA的50个碱基对连接相邻的核小体。虽然真核染色体伸展的核小体形式与细菌当中看到的串珠样的结构相似,但是这些结构可能并不相同。伸展的核小体形式存在于染色体将被复制的区域,或存在于与RNA分子合成有关的区域。
In addition to the primary marks on some chromosomes, there is a secon-dary constriction attached to a distal chromosome segment called the salite. Secondary marks the location is fixed. At the end of cell division, one to several nucleolus are present in the nucleus, and nucleolus always appears in the secondary lesion, so the secondary lesion is also called the nucleolar organizer. Particles are a region of highly compressed chromosomes during mitosis or meiosis, where spindle fibers bind. Complex DNA sequences constitute the centromere. The developed baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) has a centromere length of about 220 base pairs and is protected from restriction endonucleases by a number of proteins that differ significantly from the remaining DNA-binding histone Enzyme) of the virus. Although the centromeric region is intrinsically protected from the restriction endonuclease attack by a particular egg, the nucleosomes are cast and deaggregated in this region, which seems to indicate that during mitosis and meiosis The centromere region is highly constricted by the provirus. The centromeric 220 base pairs are flanked by restriction endonuclease-sensitive sites that may function to promote DNA cleavage and facilitate the subsequent separation of chromatids from one another. Restriction endonucleases are enzymes that cleave at specific sites within a nucleic acid.
Different creatures edit
Eukaryotic germ-line virus is distributed in many chromosomes, and in general these chromosomes vary widely in size. Eukaryotic chromosomes contain linear double-stranded DNA compared to bacterial chromosomes, which consist of circular DNA molecules. DNA and many types of related proteins make up the r chromosome. Eukaryotic chromosomes have no RNA in their structure.
Eukaryotic chromosomes can be concentrated to varying degrees. The lowest condensed structure is the extended nucleosome form (Figure 3 a la). The nucleosomes are composed of histones (H2a, H2b, H3 and H4) formed by nearly globular histones and DNAs that circle around their periphery. About 200 base pairs of DNA surround a spheroid of histones. And 50 base pairs of DNA connect adjacent nucleosomes. Although the eukaryotic chromosome stretches in a nucleosome-like form similar to the beaded-like structure seen in bacteria, these structures may not all be the same. Stretching nucleosomes exist in the area where the chromosomes are to be replicated or in the area associated with RNA molecule synthesis.