Dispenser pump tubing Kit. Basic arrangement Celartia Transforming the art of cell culture in scientific engineering www.celartia。。com RESERVOIR RESERVOIR * The 0.2 microns pore air filter allows for emptying the tubing (recover the media) in sterile conditions with the pump in reverse flow
PETAKA G3低氧高氧细胞培养板,缺氧缺氧培养板,细胞培养技术革新 --无需提供CO2的高仿真体外培养系统!获得美国、欧洲广大生物科学家的青睐!
货号 | 描述 | 规格 | 特点 |
PET025 | Celartia Petaka G3 LOT 细胞培养板 -现货促销 | 25片/盒 | 无需CO2培养箱提供额外的CO2; 无需湿度培养箱提供额外的湿度; 密闭性培养腔,无帽,无口; 外壳坚固,不易碎 无需冻存或干冰运输,可直接进行活细胞株运输; 优化的培养条件,高仿真的体内模拟; 可双面培养; 提供15倍以上的细胞培养面积; 提供8被以上的细胞培养液; 体外细胞休眠效果好; 可提前把培养基注入板中保存; 操作简单、安全和功能多样; 条形码跟踪; |
PET300 | 25片/盒×12盒 |
PET120 | 25片/盒×48盒 |
PET025H | Celartia Petaka G3 HOT 细胞培养板 -现货促销 | 25片/盒 | 功能等同于LOT系列; 特殊的多聚物材料保证O2和CO2自由通过培养壁; 特别适用于高需O2的细胞培养,例如:携带杆状病毒载体的细胞/HEPG2细胞/ 携带病毒的细胞培养 适用于病毒培养; |
PET300H | 25片/盒×12盒 |
PET120H | 25片/盒×48盒 |
PET025F | Celartia Petaka G3FLAT细胞培养板 -现货促销 | 25片/盒 | 功能等同于HOT系列; 培养板内部无处理不利于细胞贴壁培养; 使用于血细胞;癌细胞;杂交瘤细胞等悬浮细胞的培养,对于药物应用方面,适用于分泌特定产品的悬浮细胞培养; |
PET300F | 25片/盒×12盒 |
PET120F | 25片/盒×48盒 |
培养系统 | T-培养瓶75 | Petaka培养系统 |
加样口 | 广口,螺帽 | 密闭,针头/枪头注射 |
排气系统 | 无特定排气口 | 排气装置 |
尺寸 | 139×86×22(mm) | 128×86×5.2(mm) |
有效面积 | 75cm2 | 150cm2 |
Z大细胞数 | 1.5×107 | 2.5×107 |
培养基体积 | >30ml | 20ml |
培养方式 | 水平培养 | 可直立/水平培养 |
密闭性 | 差 | 优 |
是否可离心 | 否 | 是 |
功能 | 培养 | 培养+其他(冻存/运输/分选/观察……) |
其他 | 单边贴壁培养 | 双边贴壁培养 |
- 的Micro-tubular gas diffusion channel,保证培养基中氧气的浓度;
- 无需CO2和湿度培养箱,严格模拟体内生长环境;
- 可双面培养,培养方式可竖直或水平培养;
- 可根据培养细胞的特性,根据细胞的耗氧情况,选择适应于相应细胞的培养条件;
- 高密闭性,无开放的加样口、排气口;
- 可直接在6×,10×,20×,25×显微镜下进行细胞观察;
- 操作简单,易掌握;
- 功能多样;一板多用;
- 细胞培养——密闭性好;无菌性高;高仿真的体内模拟环境;
- 细胞休眠——细胞运输;短期保存;细胞周期和凋亡研究;
- 细胞冻存——无需额外的冻存管和冻存盒;条形码,便于管理;冻存细胞数量远远大于冻存管;冻存液使用量少;直接观察冻存细胞形态;冷冻速度快;复苏快,操作简单;
- 细胞运输——成本低;减少细胞转移次数和活化操作;不易污染;
- 细胞分选——免疫学研究&临床诊断;细胞传染后的分选;细胞生理学研究和病理学研究;干细胞研究和再生;干细胞分选收集脐带血干细胞;
- 无细胞损伤的收集——省时省力;无细胞损伤;用于流式细胞分析;细胞表面的电镜观察;
- 细胞直接观察
Petaka 细胞培养系统中Micro-tubular gas diffusion channel,是Celartia公司Z新的技术,自动平衡培养基质中的溶解氧含量——45mmHg,严格模拟细胞的天然生长条件。同时Petaka 细胞培养系统可根据培养细胞的类型,耗氧情况,从而减少培养系统中的氧气含量,比如常规的21%的氧气含量降低至5%或2%。
观点一: 京都大学教授山中伸弥等人在iPS细胞研究过程中,发现机体内的干细胞总是集中于氧气相对少的地方。于是,他们在利用人体皮肤细胞培养iPS细胞时把培养环境的氧浓度从通常的21%降到5%,发现iPS细胞的生成效率可提高到原来的2.5倍至4.2倍。
观点二: 低氧是生物体常见的一种生理和病理现象,不同组织的细胞生长在不同的氧浓度下,在探讨氧环境是否影响相关干细胞分化上值得我们干细胞工作者们做深入研究,尤其是在胚胎发育过程中氧浓度的变化对相关组织的形成与发育研究在不久的将来定会有重大的突破。
观点三: 低氧环境对胚胎早期发育过程影响很大,像体外培养的细胞(常压/常氧),与体内相比,表观修饰发生了巨大变化。
PetakaG3™ LOT (Low Oxygen Transfer)
The cell culture device PetakaG3 is an innovative bioreactor designed for mammalian cell culture
For cells cultured in PetakaG3 and incubated in regular 21% oxygen atmosphere the AGD-CS provides:
1) Media dissolved oxygen concentration within the limits of the physiologic oxygen tensions in physiologic tissues (from 75 mmHg down to 15 mmHg) monitorable with a dissolved oxygen fluorescent sensor dot. Because this advanced trait PetakaG3 is the safest, smallest, unique portable disposable hypoxia chamber, also available with integrated DO sensor.
Average DO = 1 mg/L (0.5 to 1.1 mg/L depending on cell type), equivalent to average 22.7 mmHg (Torr) in tissues or equivalent to average 3.11 %O2 in hypoxia chambers.
PDF. Additional information
2) Media dissolved CO2 concentration, enough to maintain a physiologic pH without external extra-supply of carbon dioxide gas.
3) Controlled media evaporation even at 2% to 10% atmospheric Relative Humidity (RH).
PetakaG3 allows cultures of two different cell types in the same device. Both cell layers are separated by 3mm of media, which is appropriate to study intercellular interactions through diffusible factors and exosome exchange. PetakaG3 is ideal for transfection of both cell layers with two different gene constructs in the same device with negligible cross transfection
Global specifications of PetakaG3 LOT:
- It acts as an independent hypoxia chamber between 1% and 21% Oxygen. Medium Dissolved Oxygen auto-controlled (O2PP between 2 and 50 mmHg)
- No additional CO2 required for any type of media, although the PetakaG3™device can also be used in CO2 incubators
Humidity autocontrolled, no added humidity required (not influenced by environment)
- The most secure cell culture device against contamination (no caps, no openings)
- Designed to transport live cells without requiring freezing and dry ice
- Optimizes media and growth factor supplies
- Can provide up to 15 times more cell culture surface area per incubator capacity
- Both surfaces may be viewed using any type of light microscope
- In vitro cell pause or dormancy is easily accomplished
- Allows storage of pre-filled units that are ready to host cells
- Easy to handle. It operates in any position. Compley safe & versatile
- Each Petaka is individually bar coded for easy tracking.
PetakaG3™ HOT (High Oxygen Transfer)The cell culture device Petaka G3 with orange color port.
PetakaG3™ HOT bioreactor is manufactured from a special co-polymer which has a particularly high diffusion rate of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the walls of the device.
Average DO = 3 mg/L (2.8 to 3.2 mg/L depending on cell type), equivalent to 66.5 mmHg in tissues or equivalent to 9.33 %O2 in hypoxia chambers.
Because of its high diffusion coefficients requires to be incubated in 5% CO2 with saturated relative humidity to avoid dehydration.
PetakaG3™ HOT has a gas self regulating system that maintains the level of dissolved oxygen in the cell culture media like in all Petaka G3, but the minimal level that can reach is higher, for a given cell type and cell density. Example: in the same cell culture conditions (cell type, cell density and media type) when Petaka G3 balances the oxygen exchange at 1ppm, Petaka G3 HOT will hold it at 3ppm, maintaining the median level of dissolved oxygen in the highest limit of the physiologic oxygen tension of the tissues, equivalent to 10% concentration of oxygen in the open atmosphere.
PetakaG3™ HOT bioreactor is particularly suited for culturing cells with a high aerobic metabolism, for example primary liver cell cultures, hematopoietic bone marrow cells, well differentiate keratinocytes, hybridomas, Pancreatic islets, etc.
Cells cultured for a long time in traditional flasks and dishes, exposed to 21% oxygen of open atmosphere, are metabolically adapted to such environment, far from the in vivo reality and behavior.
PetakaG3™ FLAT (Suspended Cell Culture)
Special applcations Cell culture devices.-
The PetakaG3™ FLAT bioreactor (For Low ATachmet) has all of the same size and structure characteristics as the PetakaG3™ either LOT or HOT bioreactor, except that the interior surfaces are not treated to promote cell adherence to its walls.This special bioreactor is produced with a flat polymer with a very low surface tension.
Suspended cell cultures such as; Blood cell preparation, Leukemia Cells, Hybridomas Cells, Lymphocyte culture and activation for kariotyping.
Special cells necessary for the bio-synthesis of specific products for pharmaceutical applications.
Cultures of cells with self agregation such as spheroids, 3D cultures, pseudo-tissues, etc.
PetakaG3™ ET™ (Easy Transfer)
The cell culture device PetakaG3™ ET™ bioreactor is a PetakaG3™ that includes inside the cell culture chamber a set of free steel doped micro-bars (stirrer bars) that can be moved by magnetic fields.
The Petaka™ ET bioreactor is used in conjunction with either an automatic magnetic random scanner (Cell Flipper) that drags the stir bars across the internal surface of Petaka or with a manual magnetic tablet (Cell lifter) on which the user drags the Petaka to detach the cells.
The turbulences created by the stir bar motion over the cells are strong enough to induce cell enzyme free cell detachment without the need for chemicals. Depending on cell type the automatic scanning is fast for cell harvesting and preserves a high yield of unharmed detached cells that can be directly transferred to new bioreactors without washing.
The manual Cell Lifter is used for detaching fragile cells carefully; the operator controls the speed and the specific areas of the cell monolayer to be detached.
Petaka G3 ET is ideal for enzyme free detachment for any kind of cell line, and extremely well suited for Stem cell cultures, also allows for safe and frequent cell culture samplings during growth, and in vitro evaluation of wound healing.
PetakaG3™ MATRIX (Specific Molecular Matrix)
The cell culture device Petaka G3 MATRIX could be LOT or HOT
The PetakaG3™ MATRIX bioreactor has all of the same size and structure characteristics as the PetakaG3™ bioreactor.
PetakaG3™ MATRIX is Coated with Specific Molecular Matrix. These are several types of Petaka internally coated with specific molecular matrix incluiding collagen, fibronectin, poly-L-lysine, matrigel, gelatin, laminin.
This product is usually best suitable for growing different types of stem cells.
Because of the specialty matrices involved, these bioreactors are only available on a made-to-order basis.