PermeGear在线单元是一种流动型的单元,用来替代Bronaugh单元,它的孔径尺寸从3mm到15mm。它们由3M公司的Kel-F塑料制成或者是Daikin公司的氟塑料制成。在线单元有一个独特的固定夹持系统可以起到预设、可重复的、安全的固定生物组织或膜。该固定系统让用户提前将供给体上部通过不锈钢的弹簧提供压力压在膜上使之密封,孔径密封直径在0.1mm内。GX液相色谱(HPLC)的连接件使用内径为1/16”的管子。在单元内的搅动效应可以用我们独有的双流转变系统(Twin-Flow Conversion System)进行检查。
PermeGear 在线自动扩散系统合并了12个单元为一个在线的全自动单元,一个供应调速蠕动泵,一个连续收集器,一个恒温水浴循环加热单元,一个自动控制器组成了一个功能强大的渗透现象分析系统,可以分析大批量的样品以节省时间。我们的自动控制器允许用户收集16个样品并能在连续99.9小时内同时做在线自动分析。每一个样品的时间可以通过收集器进行独立的程序设定。可根据用户的选择确定收集瓶的数量。我们提供20ml 28mm直径的收集瓶,允许用户选择使用其它常用的4ml WISP管。
PermeGear’s Automated Systems incorporate In-Line Cells, a peristaltic pump, a fraction collector, and a heater/circulator into a versatile system for analyzing flux over time. Collection vials are at the option of the user, racks for 20ml 28mm diameter scintillation vials are provided. Adapters are available to allow the use of many different vials including the popular 4ml WISP vials. Because of the varied requirements of individual users, vials ARE NOT supplied by PermeGear.
All PermeGear automated diffusion cell systems are based on the continuous flow principle. A multi-channel peristaltic pump draws receptor solution from a reservoir through a distribution manifold and sends it to the In-Line Cells. The cells are warmed to 35?-37?C by a heater/circulator that pumps water through the Cell Warmer in which the In-Line Cells are located. After filling the receptor chambers of the cells and purging the system of bubbles, the subject compound is then placed in the donor chambers of the cells. From that time, the fluid is collected in the vials of the fraction collector at user set time intervals. The vials are taken for analysis manually after the sampling time has elapsed.
Overall pricing for the ILC07 System is dependent on the configuration of the In-Line Cells used.