
人类组织大致上分为四大类(结缔,上皮,肌肉,神经),现今大多数的细胞培养都是以2D为主,较无法重现细胞在人体内的交互作用及生长,而呈现出的研究也与实际上有段差距。使用此材料所所制成之3D网络搭配现有之技术及材料(生物聚合物 水胶)可期望有效重现细胞于体内生长之情形。
此产品之优势便是使用layerupon-layer来制作,而其中的孔隙便做为在蛋白质的动态网络或讯号转移途径上的研究,此材料若是搭配其研发之水胶 BioInk?便可有效模拟细胞间质来完全发挥此材料与技术之优势。

BioTrack?是一种三维光学活组织检查器, 原位评估组织的形成,而不会干扰正在研究的活体模型。BioTrack根据一个光学相干断层扫描技术,提供原位、实时组织成像,因此可以被避免切除和处理组织标本.
BioTrack 结合regenHU的 BioFactory?和3DDiscovery?3D细胞组织生物制造仪器使用
BioTrack 结合regenHU的 BioFactory?和3DDiscovery?3D细胞组织生物制造仪器使用.
BioFactory/3DDiscovery耗材磷酸钙膏 900 005 434 5CC/盒
BioFactory/3DDiscovery耗材磷酸钙 900 005 435 5CC/盒
BioFactory/3DDiscovery耗材磷酸钙 900 005 436 5CC/盒
BioInk?---------------Universal Matrix for 3D Tissue Printing

BioInkTM is provided as a ready-to-use chemically-defined hydrogel to print 3D tissue models. Exclusively designed for regenHU’s BioFactory? and 3DDiscovery? tissue and bio-printers.
A versatile, chemically-defined hydrogel, supporting cell attachment, growth, differentiation and migration. The BioInkTMis suitable for long-term tissue cultivation (in vitro human dermis for up to 7 weeks).
Modular Matrix Tailored to the needs of your cells |
Combined with BioFactory? or 3DDiscovery? tissue printers, you will be able to create composite tissue models in a layer-by-layer fashioning with spatial control of bioactive components (matrix, cells, proteins) and biomaterials. |  |
Printed dermis equivalent |
 | | Combined with BioFactory? or 3DDiscovery? tissue printers, you will be able to create composite tissue models in a layer-by-layer fashioning with spatial control of bioactive components (matrix, cells, proteins) and biomaterials. |
| HE-staining of a printed dermis equivalent cultivated for 17 days. Cross section of a dermis equivalent harboring fibroblasts. |
OsteoInk? -----------Calcium Phosphate Material for 3D Tissue Printing

OsteoInk? is a ready-to-use calcium phosphate paste for structural engineering dedicated to regenHU’s BioFactory? and 3DDiscovery? printers.
OsteoInk? is a highly osteoconductive biomaterial close to the chemical composition of human bone. Dedicated for hard tissue engineering such as bone, cartilage or structural scaffold manufacturing, OsteoInk? can be combined with regenHU’s biomaterial product portfolio (e.g BioInk?) to create complex 3D tissue mimetic models.
The uniqueness of BioFactory? and 3DDiscovery? printers enables freeform fabrication of tissue models with controlled layers and pore structure and biological composition. It enables scientists to mimic nature by combining OsteoInk? with natural or synthetic hydrogels, bioactive components, collagen or hyaluronic acid, BioInk? or blood derivates.
A tissue engineering kit to mimic nature: combine cells / proteins / hydrogels / calcium phosphate / blood derivates |
- Designed for BioFactory? and 3DDiscovery? tissue printers
- Osteoconductive calcium phosphate material
- For Research and Development
- Available in 5cc cartridge
- Can be combined with BioInk? and bioactive components
|  |