Prouduct:We constantly strive to ensure we provide our customers with the best antibodies. As a result of this work we offer this antibody in purified format. We are in the process of updating our datasheets. If you have any questions regarding this update, please feel free to contact our technical support team.This product is a high quality ANPEP/CD13 Antibody.Functiong:Broad specificity aminopeptidase. Plays a role in the final digestion of peptides generated from hydrolysis of proteins by gastric and pancreatic proteases. May play a critical role in the pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstone disease. May be involved in the metabolism of regulatory peptides of diverse cell types, responsible for the processing of peptide hormones, such as angiotensin III and IV, neuropeptides, and chemokines. Found to cleave antigen peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex class II molecules of presenting cells and to degrade neurotransmitters at synaptic junctions. Is also implicated as a regulator of IL-8 bioavailability in the endometrium, and therefore may contribute to the regulation of angiogenesis. Is used as a marker for acute myeloid leukemia and plays a role in tumor invasion. In case of human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) infection, serves as receptor for HCoV-229E spike glycoprotein. Mediates as well human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection.Summary:Aminopeptidase N is located in the small-intestinal andrenal microvillar membrane, and also in other plasma membranes. Inthe small intestine aminopeptidase N plays a role in the finaldigestion of peptides generated from hydrolysis of proteins bygastric and pancreatic proteases. Its function in proximal tubularepithelial cells and other cell types is less clear. The largeextracellular carboxyterminal domain contains a pentapeptideconsensus sequence characteristic of members of the zinc-bindingmetalloproteinase superfamily. Sequence comparisons with knownenzymes of this class showed that CD13 and aminopeptidase N areidentical. The latter enzyme was thought to be involved in themetabolism of regulatory peptides by diverse cell types, includingsmall intestinal and renal tubular epithelial cells, macrophages,granulocytes, and synaptic membranes from the CNS. Humanaminopeptidase N is a receptor for one strain of human coronavirusthat is an important cause of upper respiratory tract infections.Defects in this gene appear to be a cause of various types ofleukemia or lymphoma.