56795 Da
Antigen Cellular Localization:Secreted.
0.5 mg IgG/ml in Tris saline (20mM Tris pH7.3, 150mM NaCl), 0.02% sodium azide, with 0.5% bovine serum albumin
Pharmacogenetic analysis of lipid responses to rosuvastatin in Chinese patients. Hu M, et al. Pharmacogenet Genomics, 2010 Oct. PMID 20679960.Variation at the NFATC2 Locus Increases the Risk of Thiazolinedinedione-Induced Edema in the Diabetes REduction Assessment with ramipril and rosiglitazone Medication (DREAM) Study. Bailey SD, et al. Diabetes Care, 2010 Jul 13. PMID 20628086.Role of endothelial lipase in atherosclerosis. Huang J, et al. Transl Res, 2010 Jul. PMID 20621031.Physiogenomic analysis of statin-treated patients: domain-specific counter effects within the ACACB gene on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol? Rua帽o G, et al. Pharmacogenomics, 2010 Jul. PMID 20602615.Evaluating the discriminative power of multi-trait genetic risk scores for type 2 diabetes in a northern Swedish population. Fontaine-Bisson B, et al. Diabetologia, 2010 Oct. PMID 20571754.
We constantly strive to ensure we provide our customers with the best antibodies. As a result of this work we offer this antibody in purified format. We are in the process of updating our datasheets. If you have any questions regarding this update, please feel free to contact our technical support team.This product is a high quality Goat Anti-Endothelial lipase antibody.
Has phospholipase and triglyceride lipase activities. Hydrolyzes high density lipoproteins (HDL) more efficiently than other lipoproteins. Binds heparin.
The protein encoded by this gene has substantial phospholipase activity and may be involved in lipoprotein metabolism and vascular biology. This protein is designated a member of the TG lipase family by its sequence and characteristic lid region which provides substrate specificity for enzymes of the TG lipase family.
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