多粘菌素B Polymyxin B Sulfate性状:常用其硫酸盐,为白色结晶性粉末,易溶于水,有引湿性,在酸性溶液中稳定,其中性溶液在室温放置一周不影响效价,碱性溶液不稳定。 制备方法:按美国2595605,在225L罐中制备含有以下成分的培养液;2%硫酸铵,0.2%磷酸二氢押,0.05%硫酸镁七水合物,0.05%氯化钠,0.001%硫酸铁七水合物,0.05%酵母浸膏,1%葡萄糖,1%碳酸钙和3%玉米粉。发酵培养液调pH7.3-7.4。于110℃灭菌30min。灭菌后pH为7,向培养液加225ml硫物油。发酵培养液用下面制备的Bacillus polymyxa菌种接种,用Trypticase大豆培养基在试管内于25℃培养过认的Bacillus Ploymyxa接种物。将5ml该接种物转移到100ml培养液中,该培养液盛于500ml锥形瓶中于室温培养48h,该100ml培养物接种于一罐内。发酵时向培养液通入空气,其速度为每分钟每发酵液体积0.3体积空气。温度保持在27℃。每8h取样一次,次定pH和污染情况及孢子情况。发酵88h后pH约6.3,应用大肠植菌(Escherichia Coli)检定每毫升含有多粘菌素1200单位。除去菌丝体,吸附活性成分于炭上,用酸性甲醇洗提对多粘菌素进行提取和精制。用途:对绿脓杆菌、大肠杆菌、肺炎克雷白杆菌、以及嗜血杆菌、肠杆菌属、沙门菌、志贺菌、百日咳杆菌、巴斯德菌和弧菌等革兰阴性菌有KJ作用。变形杆菌、奈瑟菌、沙雷菌、普鲁威登菌、革兰阴性菌和专性厌氧菌均对本类药物不敏感。细菌对本品与多粘菌素E之间有交叉耐药性,但对本类药物与他类KJ间则没有交叉耐药性发现。Merck相关产品资料如下:5291 Polymyxin B Sulfate ( Polymyxin B Sulfate )An antibiotic that inhibits phospholipid-sensitive Ca2+-dependent protein kinases. Mixture of polymyxin B1 sulfate and polymyxin B2 sulfate. Binds to cell wall and makes it more permeable, causing fluid uptake. Effective against Gram-negative bacteria.
产品信息 |
Form | White to off-white solid |
Primary Target | Phospholipid sensitive Ca2+ dependent protein kinases |
Solubility | H2O |
RTECS | TR1150000 |
CAS number | 1405-20-5 |
Merck USA index | 14, 7573 |
Store and ship information |
Storage | +15°C to +30°C |
Ship | Ambient Temperature Only Harmful |
安全标示 |
S Phrase | S: 36 Wear suitable protective clothing. |
R Phrase | R: 22 Harmful if swallowed. |
品名 | 产地 | 货号 | 规格 | 单价 | 备注 |
Polymyxin B Sulfate多粘菌素B | Calbiochem | 5291 | 100mg | 询价 | 现货 |
Polymyxin B Sulfate多粘菌素B | Calbiochem | 5291 | 1g | 询价 | 现货 |
英文名:Polymyxin B,Polymyxin B Sulfate,Aerosporin