研究领域:Antibodies against neurotransmitters
存储溶液:Lyophilized (no preservatives).
参考文献:Liu CJ, Grandes P, Matute C, Cuenod M, Streit P: Glutamate-like immunoreactivity revealed in rat olfactory bulb, hippocampus and cerebellum by monoclonal antibody and sensitive staining method. Histochemistry 1989;90(6):427-45
商品关键词:monoclonal anti-Glutamate antibody,2D7,Swant
简单描述:The antibodies have been purified from ascitic fluid by ammoniumsulfate precipitation and subsequently by FPLC on Protein-A-Superose. BSA has been added to the eluate, and the material has been dialyzed against water and lyophilized.
Product: Conc. supernat.
Ref: 13
Code No: mAB 2D7
Lot No: ps3
Reconstitution: add the lyophilized material (approx. 1 mg) to 100 ul PBS or another buffered saline (add in order indicated) allow some time for the material to dissolve; mix by swirling gently remove particulate matter by centrifugation in a microfuge add 100 ul glycerol (final glycerol conc. 50% v/v) and mix well (vortex)
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