北京百奥莱博专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,致力于为客户提供包括重组小鼠TIGIT 重组蛋白在内的一系列分子生物学试剂产品,并提供一系列相关的技术服务。
名称:重组小鼠TIGIT 重组蛋白
英文名:Recombinant Mouse T-cell immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM domains
本品由我们的哺乳动物细胞表达系统制备而成,目的基因编码的Gly26 - Thr143在C端带有Fc标签。
T cell immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM domains (TIGIT), also called WUCAM, VSIG9 and Vstm3, is a member of the CD28 family within the Ig superfamily of proteins. TIGIT contains an immunoglobulin variable domain, a transmembrane domain and an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM), and is expressed on regulatory, memory, activated T cells and NK cells. TIGIT binds to CD155(PVR) that appear on dendritic cells (DC), macrophages and endothelium with high affinity, and CD112(PVRL2) with lower affinity, but not CD113 (PVRL3). TIGIT-Fc fusion protein could interact with PVR on DC and enhance the secretion of IL-10, but inhibit the macrophage activation. Mice lacking TIGIT show increased T cell responses and susceptibility to autoimmune challenges, while knockdown of TIGIT with siRNA in human memory T cells did not affect T cell responses.
除重组小鼠TIGIT 重组蛋白外,我公司正在打折促销以下产品:
BTN90502 AMV逆转录酶 AMV Reverse Transcriptase
HR0463 细胞衰老检测试剂盒 Cell senescence assay kit
SV1447 几丁质磁珠
YT241 p53凝胶迁移突变探针(1.75μM) p53 Mutation Probe For EMSA(1.75μM)
BTN140378 大肠杆菌BL21-CondonPlus(DE3)-RIPL化学感受态细胞 E.coli BL21-CondonPlus(DE3)-RIPL Chemical Competent Cell
ALH133 细菌基因组DNA快速提取试剂盒(柱式吸附) Bacterial genomic DNA Rapid Extraction Kit(adsorption column)
SV0679 ScaI-HF限制性内切酶 ScaI-HF Restriction Endonuclease
WE0229 二代测序DNA快速建库试剂盒(Illumina平台) NGS Fast DNA Library Prep Set for Illumina
BTN111201 痰液DNA提取试剂盒 Sputum DNA extraction kit
SY0200 ARE-GFP报告基因质粒 ARE GFP Reporter Plasmid
RFT036 土壤基因组DNA提取试剂盒 Soil genomic DNA Extraction Kit
KFS175 *离子荧光探针 SBFI, AM
SY0413 27mm透析袋(透析分子量14kDa) Dialysis Tube MD34 (Mw14,000)
YT546 亚磷酸脱*酶 Phosphite Dehydrogenase (Crude Enzyme)
BTN80813 Western印迹膜抗体清除剂 Western Blot Antibody Scavenger
HR0287 蛋白酶YZ剂混合物 Protease inhibitor mixture
重组小鼠TIGIT 重组蛋白关键词:重组TIGIT,JN1625,重组小鼠TIGIT蛋白,百奥莱博,Recombinant Mouse T-cell immunoreceptor with Ig an
英文名称:Recombinant Human Galactokinase
Galactokinase belongs to the GHMP kinase family and GalK subfamily. Galactokinase is more important to the galactose metabolism pathway. It modifies galactose to create a similar molecule called Galactose-1-Phosphate.Thus, a series of additional steps converts Galactose-1-Phosphate to another simple sugar Glucose, which is the main energy source for most cells. Galactokinase deficiency results in Galactosemia II, an autosomal recessive deficiency characterized by congenital cataracts during infancy and presenile cataracts in the adult population. The cataracts are secondary to accumulation of Galactitol in the lenses.
重组小鼠TIGIT 重组蛋白关键词:重组TIGIT,JN1625,重组小鼠TIGIT蛋白,百奥莱博,Recombinant Mouse T-cell immunoreceptor with Ig an
WE0125 高保真多重PCR Mix(下一代测序用) HiFi PCR Mix for NGS
BTN3070 动物RNA提取试剂(TRIzol) Animal RNA Extraction Reagent TRIzol
SV0906 血源扩增 Hemo KlenTaq
BTN131282 多聚甲醛-磷酸缓冲固定液 Polyoxymethylene PBS
KFS072 1%封闭试剂(1×PBS)
SY0299 Bradford蛋白浓度测定试剂盒 Bradford Protein Quantification Kit
RFT194 蛋白酶YZ剂混合物(100×) Protease inhibitor cocktail
BTN131070 牛血清白蛋白标准品(BSA标准品)(2mg/mL) BSA Standard
HR0079 血液单核细胞蛋白提取试剂盒 Blood mononuclear cell protein extraction kit
YT889 YT?免疫组化染色二抗稀释液 YT? Secondary Antibody Dilution Buffer for Immunohistochemistry
YT034 蛋白浓度测定试剂盒(Bradford法) Bradford Protein Assay Kit
BTN90602J DNA marker(λ-EcoT14 I) DNA ladder(λ-EcoT14 I)
SV1442 SNAP-Capture 磁珠
YT235 生物素标记OCT-1凝胶迁移探针(0.2μM) Biotin-labeled OCT-1 Probe For EMSA
KFS317 XTT细胞增殖及细胞毒性检测试剂 XTT Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Kit
SY0560 细胞膜绿色荧光探针 DiO (DiOC18(3))
SV0667 SapI限制性内切酶 SapI Restriction Endonuclease
BTN130855 T4 RNA连接酶2(双链RNA连接酶) T4 RNA Ligase 2
HR0527 支原体预防试剂 Mycoplasma prevention reagents
SY0195 SMAD-GFP报告基因质粒 SMAD GFP Reporter Plasmid
RFT031 PCR产物纯化试剂盒 PCR product purification kit
我公司强烈推荐重组蛋白系列产品,热情期待您的咨询选购重组小鼠TIGIT 重组蛋白。