北京百奥莱博专业生产销*(代"售")重组小鼠补体C5 重组蛋白,我公司供应的分子生物学试剂品类齐全,且具有优势价格,欢迎新老客户垂询订购。
名称:重组小鼠补体C5 重组蛋白
英文名:Recombinant Mouse Complement Component C5
Complement C5质量控制:>95%(还原性SDS-PAGE)
Complement C5制剂:冻干品
Complement C5保存:
Complement C5复溶:
关于Complement C5:
Mouse Complement C5 (C5a) is a glycoprotein that belongs to a family of structurally and functionally related proteins known as anaphylatoxins. C5a is a 77 amino acid peptide that is created by the C5a convertase proteolytic cleavage of C5 αchain in the classical and alternative complement pathway (C4b2a3b, C3bBb3b). Mouse C5a has fourαhelices, plus three intra-chain disulfide bonds that form a triple loop structure. C5a functions via G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) (C5aR/CD88). C5a is a potent chemoattractant and anaphylatoxin that acts on all classes of leukocytes and on many other cell types including endothelial, smooth muscle, kidney, liver, and neural cells. It mediates IL-8 release from bronchial epithelial cells. It also triggers an oxidative burst in macrophages and neutrophils, causing release of histamine in basophils and mast cells. C5a anaphylatoxin activity on hepatocytes results indirectly from interaction with nonparenchymal cell via prostanoid secretion. Mouse C5a shares 60% and 82% sequence identity to human and rat C5a, respectively.
欲咨询购买重组小鼠补体C5 重组蛋白,请致电北京百奥莱博科技有限公司,为您提供Z全面周到的产品服务,除此之外,我公司正在促销以下产品:
HR0267 SDS裂解液 SDS lysis solution
KFS363 胆碱酯酶测试盒(CHE)
SV0227 BsrGI限制性内切酶 BsrGI Restriction Endonuclease
SY0401 MBP标签蛋白高度交联纯化树脂 Dextrin Agarose Resin 6FF
BTN120630 荧光素-12-dUTP溶液 Fluorescein-12-dUTP Solution
YT083 通用型QL抗原修复液(10X) All-purpose Powerful Antigen Retrieval Solution
SV1098 拓扑异构酶 I(E. coli) Topoisomerase I (E. coli)
BTN131194 96孔板血液DNA提取试剂盒(真空法) 96 Microwell Plate Blood DNA Extraction Kit
BTN100867 SDS-PAGE浓缩胶配胶液 SDS-PAGE Stacking Gel Buffer
YT444 GL6-miR报告基因质粒 pGL6-miR Reporter gene plasmid
ALH062 RNA保存液(长期保存RNA) RNA long-term preservation solution
BTN90407C cl857 Sam7 λDNA(非甲基化) Lambda DNA
BTN100907 10M*化*溶液(RNase-Free)
SY0145 STAT6-Luc报告基因质粒 STAT6 Luciferase Reporter Plasmid
HR0453 DAPI染色试剂盒 DAPI Staining Kit
WE0174 新型植物基因组DNA提取试剂盒 NewPurify Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
重组小鼠补体C5 重组蛋白关键词:重组小鼠补体C5蛋白,百奥莱博,重组补体C5,JN1904,Recombinant Mouse Complement Component C5
KFS267 Ac-YVAD-FMK(caspase 4 YZ剂) Caspase 4 Inhibitors Z-VAD-FMK
YT185 凝胶迁移试剂盒(EMSA试剂盒) EMSA/Gel-Shift Kit
SV1364 ShortCut RNase III
BTN100307B 酸洗玻璃珠(200μm) Acid-Washed Glassbeads(200μm)
WE0323 DAB显色试剂盒(WB IHC) DAB Kit(20×)
YT596 唾液酸醛缩酶 N-Acetyl-D-Neuraminic Acid Aldolase (Crude Enzyme)
ALH338 无缝连接克隆试剂盒 Seamless Assembly and Cloning kit
BTN130891 动物线粒体总蛋白提取试剂盒 Animal mitochondrial Total Protein Extraction Kit
RFT094 2×SYBR qPCR MasterMix
SY0249 *化乙锭 Ethidium Bromide (EB)
KFS023 collagen II免疫组化试剂盒(IHC)
BTN131029 胰蛋白酶(质谱级) Trypsin,MS Grade
SV0811 PI-SceI归位内切酶 PI-SceI归位内切酶
SY0616 玉米素 Zeatin
KFS368 谷*酰胺测试盒
SV0242 BssSαI限制性内切酶 BssSαI Restriction Endonuclease
SV1527 α1-3,6 半乳糖苷酶
重组小鼠补体C5 重组蛋白关键词:重组小鼠补体C5蛋白,百奥莱博,重组补体C5,JN1904,Recombinant Mouse Complement Component C5
英文名称:Recombinant Human DNA Polymerase beta
DNA Polymeraseβ质量控制:>95%(还原性SDS-PAGE)
DNA Polymeraseβ制剂:液体
DNA Polymeraseβ保存:收到货后请置于-20℃,可保存6个月,避免反复冻融。
关于DNA Polymeraseβ:
Human DNA polymerase β is constitutively expressed in cells. It fills in gaps in DNA that are formed following base excision repair. Repair polymerase that plays a key role in base-excision repair. Has 5-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase (dRP lyase) activity that removes the 5 sugar phosphate and also acts as a DNA polymerase that adds one nucleotide to the 3 end of the arising single-nucleotide gap. It conducts gap-filling DNA synthesis in a stepwise distributive fashion rather than in a processive fashion as for other DNA polymerases. The activity cannot be affected by Aphidicolin, which is an inhibitor of DNA polymerase β.
北京百莱博科技有限公司专业生产供应销*(代"售")生物试剂、化学试剂、抗原抗体、血清血浆、Elisa试剂盒,更多试剂产品需求,欢迎来电咨询选购重组小鼠补体C5 重组蛋白。