北京百奥莱博专业生产销*(代"售")重组人前梯度同源蛋白2(AG-2) 重组蛋白,我公司供应的分子生物学试剂品类齐全,且具有优势价格,欢迎新老客户垂询订购。
名称:重组人前梯度同源蛋白2(AG-2) 重组蛋白
英文名:Recombinant Human Anterior Gradient Protein 2 Homolog
Anterior Gradient 2 (AGR2) is an 18-21 kDa member of the PDI family of enzymes. AGR2 is widely expressed in secretory cells, such as small intestine goblet, prostate epithelium, enteroendo*(代"c")rine cells, and multiple carcinoma cell types. AGR2 forms transient disulfide linkages with molecules destined for secretion, possibly aiding protein folding. Expression of AGR2 shows a positive correlation with expression of estrogen receptor in breast carcinoma and a negative correlation with expression of EGF receptor. Mature human AGR2 is 155 amino acids (aa) in length (aa 21 - 175). Cys81 is presumed to participate in intermolecular bond formation. Over aa 21 - 175, human AGR2 shares 94% aa identity with mouse AGR2.
更多有关重组人前梯度同源蛋白2(AG-2) 重组蛋白的价格及使用说明等,请联*(代"系")我们的业务经理王欣女士咨询,我公司还销*(代"售")以下产品:
KFS047 kFluor350标记抗小鼠免疫荧光染色试剂盒 Immunol Fluorescence Staining Kit with kFlour350-Labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG
BTN131017 乙酰化牛血清白蛋白 Bovine Serum Albumin, Acetylated
SY0071 Nanog-Luc荧光素酶报告基因质粒 Nanog luciferase reporter plasmid
SY0759 BCIP/NBT显色试剂盒蓝紫色(IHC) BCIP/NBT Alkaline Phosphatase (AP) Substrate Kit For IHC
WE0100 PCR Mix(含染料)(滴瓶装) PCR Mix(With Dye)
SV0298 CviQI限制性内切酶 CviQI Restriction Endonuclease
SY0433 Anit-Myc亲和纯化凝胶 Anti-Myc Affinity Gel
BTN130904 超级杂交液(Oligo探针) Super hybrid solution(Oligo probe)
YT111 AMCA抗小鼠免疫荧光染色试剂盒 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with AMCA-Labeled GoatAnti-Mouse IgG
SV1155 BamHI 甲基转移酶 BamHI methyl transferase
BTN130940 Southern级植物DNA提取试剂盒 Plant DNA extraction kit(Southern Grade)
BTN70704B 预染蛋白Marker(43~200kD) Prestained Protein Marker(43-200kD)
YT480 N端HA标签融合蛋白质粒 N-HA plasmid(with CMV promoter)
ALH170 粪便基因组DNA提取试剂盒 Fecal genomic DNA Extraction Kit
KFS149 细胞核染料DAPI
RFT023 DNA Marker VI(250~10000bp)
SY0175 GRE-GFP报告基因质粒 GRE GFP Reporter Plasmid
HR0486 WST-1细胞增殖及细胞毒性检测试剂盒 WST-1 cell proliferation and cytotoxicity assay kit
WE0204 磁珠法游离DNA提取试剂盒 MagDNA Free-Circulating DNA Extraction Kit
SV0601 PpuMI限制性内切酶 PpuMI Restriction Endonuclease
SY0537 胶原酶III型 Collagenase III
KFS297 PD 98,059(MAPKKYZ剂)
重组人前梯度同源蛋白2(AG-2) 重组蛋白关键词:重组人前梯度同源蛋白2蛋白,JN0556,重组人AG-2,重组前梯度同源蛋白2
BTN100808 *化乙锭干粉(EB干粉) Ethidium Bromide Powder
BTN131033 小鼠基因组DNA Mouse Genomic DNA
YT628 蛋白质Ladder(10-200kD) Protein Ladder (10-200kD)
HR0039 酵母组蛋白提取试剂盒 Yeast histone Extraction Kit
BTN140649 1mL亲和层析柱 Affinity Chromatography Colum(1mL)
RFT175 "羧苄青霉素溶液(500mg/ml)
SY0279 一步法(快速/无缝)克隆试剂盒 One Step Pcr Cloning Kit
KFS051 kFluor594标记抗小鼠免疫荧光染色试剂盒
BTN131247 4%多聚甲醛(RNA专用) Polyoxymethylene
SV0864 多重 PCR 5X Master Mix
SY0764 EDTA抗原修复液(50×) Antigen Retrieval Buffer (50×EDTA Buffer, pH 8.0)
WE0105 BAmp DNA Polymerase BAmp DNA Polymerase
YT320 蛋白转运YZ剂(Brefeldin A) Brefeldin A
SV1576 酪*酸激酶 I(CK1)
BTN70904A 酵母tRNA溶液(粗提) Yeast tRNA Solution
Anti-Mouse IgG"
SY0031 2×Long PCR Master Mix(含染料) 2×Long PCR Master Mix (With Dye)
HR0247 高尔基体提取试剂盒 Golgi apparatus Extraction Kit
BTN80812 考马斯亮蓝G-250染液 Coomassie Blue G-250 Stain Solution
YT510 Klenow片段(无外切酶活性) Klenow Fragment,Exo-
SY0391 咪唑 Imidazole
KFS154 细胞增殖示踪荧光探针(CFDA SE) Carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester
重组人前梯度同源蛋白2(AG-2) 重组蛋白关键词:重组人前梯度同源蛋白2蛋白,JN0556,重组人AG-2,重组前梯度同源蛋白2
·重组人激肽释放酶(Kallikrein 11)(KLK11)
英文名称:Recombinant Human Kallikrein 11
Kallikrein 11质量控制:>95%(还原性SDS-PAGE)
Kallikrein 11制剂:液体
Kallikrein 11保存:收到货后请置于-20℃,可保存6个月,避免反复冻融。
关于Kallikrein 11:
Human Kallikrein 11 (KLK11) is a member of tissue kallikrein family which are extracellular serine proteases consisting of 15 members. Two isoforms of KLK11 are differentially expressed. Isoform 1 is predominantly expressed in brain and isoform 2 is preferentially expressed in prostate. Isoform 1 consists of a signal peptide,a short pro peptide and the mature chain.Isoform 2 contains an extra 32 amino acid N terminal to full-length isoform 1.KLK11 is a novel marker for ovarian and prostate cancer carcinomas. KLK11 can be activated by thermolysin and is active against a thioester substrate.
北京百莱博科技有限公司是重组蛋白产品的专业生产供应销*(代"售")商,恭候您的咨询选购重组人前梯度同源蛋白2(AG-2) 重组蛋白。