产地:Qiagen货号:2740pplicationsThe QuickLyse Miniprep Kit yields sufficient plasmid DNA for any downstream application, including automated sequencing (see figure "Long Read-Lengths in Automated Sequencing"). Up to 15 µg of high-copy plasmid DNA can be obtained from 1.5 ml of bacterial culture (see figure "High Yields of High-Quality Plasmid DNA"). Isolated plasmid DNA has OD260/280 ratios of 1.7–1.9, indicating that the quality and purity is suitable for all sensitive applications. Sequencing read lengths of over 700 bases are easily achieved. ImagesReproducible YieldsQuickLyse Purification ProcedureProcedureBacterial cells are resuspended and lysed and DNA is bound in a single buffer, enabling fast DNA purification with minimal hands-on time. After a 3-minute lysis step, the clear lysate is applied to a QuickLyse Spin Column without any additional centrifugation step. Plasmid DNA binds to the column membrane and is eluted after a single wash step (see flowchart). The isolated DNA can be used directly in standard applications, including automated sequencing, PCR, restriction analysis, and cloning. PrincipleUnlike most protocols that use a 3-step lysis procedure, the QuickLyse Miniprep Kit combines enzymatic and osmotic processes to lyse bacterial cells in a single, 3-minute step. In addition, QuickLyse technology uses fewer buffers, simplifying handling, and saving time: 24 plasmid DNA minipreps can be prepared in less than 22 minutes. High Yields of High-Quality Plasmid DNALong Read-Lengths in Automated Sequencing