SUPER Green I与dsDNA 结合荧光信号可增强800~1000倍。在PCR反应体系中,加入过量SUPER Green I荧光染料,它特异性地掺入DNA双链后,荧光信号增强,而不掺入链中的SUPER Green I染料分子荧光不变,从而保证荧光信号的增加与PCR产物的增加完全同步。荧光可以在退火阶段或者延伸阶段测定。
SUPER Green I is an excellent nucleic acid sensor. The dye is essentially nonfluorescent, but becomes highly fluorescent upon binding to dsDNA. SUPER Green I is much less mutagenic and toxic than ethidium bromide. It has the same spectral properties to those of PicoGreen®, thus a great replacement to PicoGreen® (PicoGreen® is the trademark of Invitrogen). SUPER Green I is one of the most sensitive stains available for detecting double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). It has much greater sensitivity for dsDNA, thus especially useful for assays where the presence of contaminating RNA or ssDNA might obscure results. SUPER Green I dye has excitation and emission spectra identical to that of PicoGreen®, making the dye readily compatible with instrument settings of PicoGreen® or SYBR® Green. This particular SUPER Green I formulation is optimized for quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) applications.
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