研究领域:Canine Proteins
产品概述:Prepared from fresh frozen canine plasma. The purity of the protein is determined by SDS-PAGE and shows no reduction upon incubation with 2-mercaptoethanol. Canine Factor IX, activated by either the Contact or Tissue Factor pathways, is responsible for the activation of X to Xa.
存储溶液:Buffer composition = 20 mM Tris-HCl / 0.1 M NaCl / 1 mM Benzamidine / pH 7.4Concentration determined by BCA.Molecular Weight ~56,000 daltons.
简单描述:CFIX, Prepared from fresh frozen canine plasma. The purity of the protein is determined by SDS-PAGE and shows no reduction upon incubation with 2-mercaptoethanol. Canine Factor IX, activated by either the Contact or Tissue Factor pathways, is responsible for the activation of X to Xa.
企业 QQ:3212874516、3198592576
地 址:北京大兴经济技术开发区(亦庄)同济中路7号兴盛国际A栋4层