产品概述:A non-clotting derivative of Thrombin produced from human alpha Thrombin by controlled digest with Trypsin-Sepharose. Gamma Thrombin is a non-coagulant form of Thrombin that retains much of its platelet activating capacity. Gamma Thrombin purity is determined by SDS-PAGE.
存储溶液:Buffer Composition = 10 mM Sodium Acetate / 0.75 M NaCl / pH 6.0Molecular Weight = 12,000 daltonsConcentration determined by BCA.
简单描述:HGT, A non-clotting derivative of Thrombin produced from human alpha Thrombin by controlled digest with Trypsin-Sepharose. Gamma Thrombin is a non-coagulant form of Thrombin that retains much of its platelet activating capacity. Gamma Thrombin purity is determined by SDS-PAGE.
详情:Related ProductsMonoclonal Anti-Human Thrombin Receptor B Sheep Anti-Human Thrombin Affinity Purified Fluorescein Conjugated IgG Human Prothrombin (Factor II) Human Alpha Thrombin (Factor IIa) Monoclonal Anti-Human Thrombin Sheep Anti-Human Thrombin Affinity Purified IgG Sheep Anti-Human Thrombin Peroxidase Conjugated IgG Sheep Anti-Human Thrombin Purified IgG Sheep Anti-Human Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor (TAFI) Purified IgG Thrombin-Antithrombin Complex ELISA Thrombin-Heparin Cofactor II Complex ELISA Human Prothrombin Fragment 1 Human Prothrombin Fragment 2
企业 QQ:3212874516、3198592576
地 址:北京大兴经济技术开发区(亦庄)同济中路7号兴盛国际A栋4层