研究领域:Polyclonal Antibodies
产品概述:Sheep Affinity Purified IgG. This antibody is specific for Platelet Factor 4 as demonstrated by immunoelectrophoresis and ELISA. It is suitable as an enriched source of antibodies to Platelet Factor 4.
存储溶液:Buffer Composition = 10 mM HEPES / 150 mM NaCl / 50% (v/v) glycerol / pH 7.4Immunogen = Platelet Factor 4 purified from human platelet releasate
简单描述:SAPF4-AP, Sheep Affinity Purified IgG. This antibody is specific for Platelet Factor 4 as demonstrated by immunoelectrophoresis and ELISA. It is suitable as an enriched source of antibodies to Platelet Factor 4.
详情:Related ProductsHuman Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) Sheep Anti-Human Platelet Factor 4 Peroxidase Conjugated IgG Sheep Anti-Human Platelet Factor 4 Purified IgG
企业 QQ:3212874516、3198592576
地 址:北京大兴经济技术开发区(亦庄)同济中路7号兴盛国际A栋4层