Irvine Scientific 欧文 99473 羊水培养基
99473-CHANG Amnio
Amniotic Fluid Cells
+ Amniotic Fluid Cells
Amniotic Fluid (AF) cells are used for the prenatal diagnosis of a wide range of fetal abnormalities (chromosomal, biochemical, structural, and genetic).
Irvine Scientific 欧文 99473 羊水培养基,现货供应
99404 - CHANG Medium® D with Antibiotics
99419 - CHANG Medium® C with Antibiotics Lyophilized
99473 - CHANG Amnio®
C106 - CHANG Medium® C Frozen Supplement-14mL
C108 - CHANG Medium® C Frozen Supplement-70 mL
T101-019 - CHANG Medium® C Lyophilized (100 mL)
T101-059 - CHANG Medium® C Lyophilized (500 mL)
T104 - CHANG Medium® In Situ
T105 - CHANG Medium® D
Irvine Scientific是JX Holdings集团成员,是细胞培养基和试剂设计、制造和分销的者,这些培养基和试剂用于工业细胞培养、细胞疗法、细胞遗传学和辅助生育技术(ART)领域。Irvine Scientific 是培养基提供商,接受监管并同时符合ISO和FDA规范,在美国加州和日本东京两地均有制造设施。
Irvine Scientific首席科学官Jessie Ni博士说:“我们与该领域的研究人员密切合作,并采用了Rational Culture Media Design®来开发市面上首款面向基于细胞的疫苗开发和生产、不含动物成分且化学成分明确的MDCK培养基。开发该培养基旨在为Z大化MDCK细胞生长和病毒生产提供支持。在流感疫苗生产的评估中,已显示其具有的性能。”
Irvine Scientific 欧文 99473 羊水培养基,现货供应
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 号:。华雅再生医学-客服QQ: 316 808 6348
99473-CHANG Amnio®
Featured Product
CHANG Amnio® is a complete, ready-to-use medium with an antibiotic developed for the culture of human amniotic fluid cells, chorionic villi sampling, and tissues for use in karyotyping and other antenatal testing. With an improved blend of basal media…
Irvine Scientific 欧文 99473 羊水培养基,现货供应
7、 帮助你节约宝贵的时间,你可以进行批量试验或等待直到染色体分析
11、-20° C保存
13、能在+4° C的温度下保存约1-2周
14、能在-20° C的温度下保存较长的时间
Irvine Scientific 欧文 99473 羊水培养基,现货供应
Irvine Scientific, a member of JX Holdings Group, is a worldwide leader in the innovation and manufacture of cell culture media, reagents, and medical devices for researchers and clinicians. The company provides unrivalled service and quality to scientists working in cell therapy and regenerative medicine, assisted reproductive technology and cytogenetics, and industrial cell culture for the large-scale production of biotherapeutics and vaccines. Irvine Scientific adheres to both ISO and FDA regulations and operates dual cGMP manufacturing facilities in California, USA and Tokyo, Japan. The company’s consultative philosophy combined with expertise in cell culture and compliance provides customers with unique capabilities and support. For over 40 years Irvine Scientific has remained uniquely flexible and focused on media while becoming a strategic global leader in media products and services.
Irvine Scientific 欧文 99473 羊水培养基,现货供应
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 号:。华雅再生医学-客服QQ: 316 808 6348