ANPEP / APN / CD13抗体产品信息
免疫原 :
Recombinant mouse ANPEP protein ( Catalog#50001-M08H)
Antibody Type : Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody ( Antibody Purification Platform )
Ig Type :
Rabbit IgG
缓冲液 : 0.2 μm filtered solution in PBS, 5% trehalose may be added in some batches. Please read the hardcopy of COA or contact our customer service to confirm the formulation.
制备方法 :
Produced in rabbits immunized with purified, human cell-derived, recombinant mouse ANPEP metalloprotease domain ( rM ANPEP; Catalog#50001-M08H; Lys 66-Ser 966; NP_032512.2). ANPEP specific IgG was purified by mouse ANPEP affinity chromatography.
ANPEP / APN / CD13抗体Background
Mouse ANPEP, also known as Aminopeptidase N and alanyl (membrane) aminopeptidase, is an enzyme that is used as a biomarker to detect damage to the kidneys. ANPEP is located in the small-intestinal and renal microvillar membrane, and also in other plasma membranes including macrophages, granulocytes, and synaptic membranes . and is involved in the metabolism of regulatory peptides by diverse cell types. The extracellular carboxyterminal domain of ANPEP contains a pentapeptide consensus sequence characteristic of members of the zinc-binding metalloproteinase superfamily,and sequence comparisons with known enzymes of this class show that CD13 and ANPEP are identical. In the nomenclature of CD antigens, this protein has been given the designation CD13. ANPEP can be used to help diagnose certain kidney disorders, since it is found at high levels in the urine when there are kidney problems. Furthermore, defects in this enzyme appear to be a cause of various types of leukemia or lymphoma.
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