Category Name: Steroids
Method: ELISA
Principle: ELISA
Controls Standards: 0,6.25,12.5,25,50,100µIU/ml
Sample: 25 µl
Runtime: 75 min
Wavelength: 450 nm
Safety: Please refer to MSDS
Shelflife: 18 Months
The Calbiotech Insulin ELISA Kit is intended for the quantitative measurement of Insulin in human serum or plasma.
Summary and explanation OF THE INSULIN ELISA
Insulin is the principal hormone responsible for the control of glucose metabolism. It is synthesized in the ß-cells of the islets of Langerhans as the precursor, proinsulin, which is processed to form C-peptide and insulin. Both are secreted in equimolar amounts into the portal circulation. The mature insulin molecule comprises two polypeptide chains, the A chain and B chain (21 and 30 amino acids respectively). The two chains are linked together by two inter-chain disulphide bridges. There is also an intra-chain disulphide bridge in the A chain. Insulin concentrations are severely reduced in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and some other conditions such as hypopituitarism. Insulin levels are raised in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), obesity, insulinoma and some endocrine dysfunctions such as Cushing’s syndrome and acromegaly. These signs can be detected with the Insulin blood test.
The Insulin ELISA is a solid phase two-site enzyme immunoassay. It is based on the direct sandwich technique in which two monoclonal antibodies are directed against separate antigenic determinants on the insulin molecule. During incubation insulin in the sample reacts with enzyme (HRP)-conjugated anti-insulin antibody and anti-insulin antibody bound to micro-titration well. A simple washing step removes unbound enzyme labeled antibody. In the insulin ELISA, the bound HRP complex is detected by reaction with TMB substrate. The reaction is stopped by adding acid to give a colorimetric endpoint that is read using ELISA reader.