Category Name: Steroids
Method: ELISA
Principle: ELISA
Controls Standards: 0,20,50,100,200,400,800ng/ml
Sensitivity: 0.44ng/ml
Sample: 10 µl
Runtime: 75 min
Wavelength: 450 nm
Safety: Please refer to MSDS
Shelflife: 18 Months
The Calbiotech Cortisol ELISA Kit is intended for the quantitative measurement of Cortisol in human serum or plasma.
Summary and explanation
Cortisol (hydrocortisone, compound F) is the most potent glucocorticoid synthesized from cholesterol. Cortisol is found in the blood either as free Cortisol, or bound to corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG). Cortisol production has an ACTH-dependent circadian rhythm with peak levels in the early morning and a nadir at night. The factors controlling this circadian rhythm are not completely defined. Serum levels are highest in the early morning and decrease throughout the day. In the metabolic aspect, Cortisol promotes gluconeogenesis, liver glycogen deposition, and the reduction of glucose utilization. Immunologically, Cortisol functions as an important anti inflammatory, and plays a role in hypersensitivity, immunosuppression, and disease resistance. It has also been shown that plasma Cortisol levels elevate in response to stress. Abnormal Cortisol levels are seen with a variety of different conditions: with adrenal tumors, prostate cancer, depression, and schizophrenia. Elevated Cortisol levels and lack of diurnal variation have been identified in patients with Cushing's disease
The CBI Cortisol is a solid phase competitive ELISA. The samples and Cortisol enzyme conjugate are added to the wells coated with anti-Cortisol monoclonal antibody. Cortisol in the patient’s sample competes with a Cortisol enzyme conjugate for binding sites. Unbound Cortisol and Cortisol enzyme conjugate is washed off by washing buffer. Upon the addition of the substrate, the intensity of color is inversely proportional to the concentration of Cortisol in the samples. A standard curve is prepared relating color intensity to the concentration of the Cortisol.