IMPORTANT NOTE1.Limited by the current condition and scientific technology, we can't completely conduct the comprehensive identification and analysis on the raw material provided by suppliers. So there might be some qualitative and technical risks to use the kit.
2.The final experimental results will be closely related to validity of the products, operation skills of the end users and the experimental environments. Please make sure that sufficient samples are available.
3.Kits from different batches may be a little different in detection range, sensitivity and color developing time. Please perform the experiment exactly according to the instruction attached in kit while electronic ones from our website is only for information.
4.Do not mix or substitute reagents from one kit lot to another. Use only the reagents supplied by manufacturer.
5.Protect all reagents from strong light during storage and incubation. All the bottle caps of reagents should be covered tightly to prevent the evaporation and contamination of microorganism.
6.There may be some foggy substance in the wells when the plate is opened at the first time. It will not have any effect on the final assay results. Do not remove microtiter plate from the storage bag until needed.
7.Wrong operations during the reagents preparation and loading, as well as incorrect parameter setting for the plate reader may lead to incorrect results. A microplate plate reader with a bandwidth of 10nm or less and an optical density range of 0-3 O.D. or greater at 450 ± 10nm wavelength is acceptable for use in absorbance measurement. Please read the instruction carefully and adjust the instrument prior to the experiment.
8.Even the same operator might get different results in two separate experiments. In order to get better reproducible results, the operation of every step in the assay should be controlled. Furthermore, a preliminary experiment before assay for each batch is recommended.
9.Each kit has been strictly passed QC test. However, results from end users might be inconsistent with our in-house data due to some unexpected transportation conditions or different lab equipments. Intra-assay variance among kits from different batches might arise from above factors, too.
10.Kits from different manufacturers with the same item might produce different results, since we haven’t compared our products with other manufacturers.
11.Valid period: 12 months.
12.The instruction manual also suits for the kit of 48T, but all reagents of 48T kit are reduced by half.
PRECAUTIONThe Stop Solution suggested for use with this kit is an acid solution. Wear eye, hand, face, and clothing protection when using this material.