ACTIFLUOR™ ADAMTS13 Activity Assay
The ACTIFLUOR™ ADAMTS13 Activity assay is a fluorescence resonance energy transfer(FRET) assay for the measurement of ADAMTS13 in human plasma. The assay is for in vitro diagnostic use.
ACTIFLUOR ADAMTS13 is a FRET assay that measures the amount of ADAMTS13 activity in human plasma. A citrated plasma sample is assayed for ADAMTS13 protease activity using recombinant VWF86-ALEXA FRET substrate. Proteolytic cleavage of the VWF86-ALEXA FRET substrate between the tyr/met residues by ADAMTS13 uncouples the ALEXA fluorochromes resulting in an increase in fluorescence. The increase in fluorescence over time (Vmax) due to cleavage of the substrate by ADAMTS13 is monitored at 37°C using a spectrofluorometer (Ex=485 nm; Em=535 nm). A standard curve is constructed using normal plasma with a known concentration of ADAMTS13. The ADAMTS13 activity in the plasma is determined by interpolation of the Vmax values from the standard curve.