Vertical System |
Bandwidth | 350 MHz |
Rise time | 1 ns |
Input Channels | 4 |
Bandwidth Limiters | 20 MHz, 100 MHz |
Input Impedance | 1 MΩ ± 1.5% || 16 pF, 50 Ω ± 1.5% |
Input Coupling | AC, DC, GND |
Maximum Input Voltage | 1 MΩ: ± 400 Vpk, 50 Ω: 5 VRMS |
Channel-Channel Isolation | ≥ 34 dB from DC - 100 MHz ≥ 30 dB at 350 MHz |
Vertical Resolution | 8 bits |
Sensitivity | 1 MΩ: 2 mV/div - 10 V/div 50 Ω: 2 mV/div - 2 V/div |
DC Gain Accuracy | ±(1.5% + 0.5% of Full Scale) |
Offset Range | ±1 V: 2 mV/div - 50 mV/div ±10 V: 50.2 mV/div - 500 mV/div ±100 V: 502 mV/div - 10 V/div |
Horizontal System |
Time/Division Range | 1 ns/div - 50 s/div |
Clock Accuracy | 10 ppm |
Trigger and Interpolator Jitter | 200 ps (pk-pk) |
Acquisition System |
Single-Shot Sample Rate/Ch | 2 GS/s on 1 Ch 1 GS/s on 2 Ch |
Equivalent Sample Rate | 100 GS/s |
Memory | 500 kpts/Ch |
Acquisition Processing |
Averaging | Selectable Number of Sweeps: 2, 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 |
Peak Detect | 1 ns |
Enhanced Resolution (ERES) | na |
Interpolation | Linear |