类型 | 数字示波器 | 品Pai | 安捷伦(Agilent) |
型号 | U2702A | 通道数 | 2 |
显示模式 | 需连接电脑 | Z大输入 | 400(V) |
量程 | 5(V/div) | 电源电压 | 220(V) |
外形尺寸 | 117*180*41(mm) | 重量 | 0.53(kg) |
100 MHz Bandwidth2 channels32Mpts memory depth1GSa/sHi-Speed USB 2.0, USBTMC-USB488 standard (Compatible with Microsoft Windows operating systems only)FeaturesWaveform Zoom and Maths Function26 pre-build automatic measurementFFT including max peak searchAdvance Triggering including edge, pulse width and line selectable video