中兴通讯CSU401B监控模块图片。CSU401B监控单元是ZXDU68T601系统的监控ZX,负责对交流配电、直流配电、整流器组以及蓄电池进行综合管理。监控单元实时采集系统的运行数据,监测系统的工作状态。当系统出现异常现象时,进行告*并提供必要的保护。向后台上报数据,也接受来自后台的命令,实现对系统的远程监控。中兴通讯使命与愿景中兴通讯,业界领先,为客户提供满意的个性化通讯产品及服务;重视员工回报,确保员工的个人发展和收益与公...... 为了积极参与ZG智能电网建设,满足数字化变电站对电源设备的要求,艾默生网络能源有限公司集多年开发和设备网上运行经验,结合电子器件、工艺、以及IT等技术发展,开发出新一代UtilitySure系列产品,提供完整的电力自动化电源系统解决方案。可用于电力、冶金、石化、轨道交通、机场、矿山、楼宇等领域,为电厂、变电站、用户变电所等的综合自动化系统、通信和网络系统提供稳定可靠的直流、交流电源。 CSU401S,ZXD800,ZXD800E,ZXD1200,ZXD1500,ZXD1500 (V3.0),ZXD1500 (V4.0),ZXD1500 (V4.1),ZXD1500 (V4.2),ZXD1500 (V4.3),ZXD2400 (V1.0),ZXD2400 (V2.1),ZXD2400 (V3.0),ZXD2400 (V4.0),ZXD2400 (V4.1),ZXD2400 (V4.3),ZXD5000,ZXDU28,ZXD030 S480 ,ZXDU30,ZXDU45,ZXDU58,ZXDU58 S151,ZXDU58 B121,ZXDU58 B900 ,ZXDU58 H121,ZXDU58 H121(V4.1R01M01),ZXDU58 T301,ZXDU68,ZXDU68 T601,ZXDU68 T301,ZXDU68 W201,ZXDU75,ZXDU75-BACK020400,ZXDU45-CSU。 监控模块是UtilitySure系列产品之一,可以与整流模块、DC-DC模块、逆变模块以及其它数据采集模块,组成电力自动化电源系统,实现电源系统的人机界面交互操作、各功能单元的设置和协调运行、系统运行状态的监测、运行数据的上传下达,以及智能化电池管理。EMU10监控模块组成的系统具备远程管理功能,可选择通过IEC61850、Modbus、CDT91规约和综合自动化系统通讯上报数据,用于电站实现无人职守。 本文主要介绍EMU10监控模块及其组成系统的功能特点、安装设计以及调试方法,用以指导用户如何使用EMU10进行系统的设计、生产、调试和运行。 二、系统组成: EMU10监控系统包括电源模块内部的监控电路,主监控模块(EMU10)、配电监控单元(EAU01、EDU01和EGU01)和绝缘监测仪(JYM-II和JYM-S2,或者EDU01和EGU01),以及电池巡检仪(EBU01、EBU02)等设备 中兴CSU401S,中兴监控模块,CSU401S中兴监控模块

CSU401S,ZXD800,ZXD800E,ZXD1200,ZXD1500,ZXD1500 (V3.0),ZXD1500 (V4.0),ZXD1500 (V4.1),ZXD1500 (V4.2),ZXD1500 (V4.3),ZXD2400 (V1.0),ZXD2400 (V2.1),ZXD2400 (V3.0),ZXD2400 (V4.0),ZXD2400 (V4.1),ZXD2400 (V4.3),ZXD5000,ZXDU28,ZXD030 S480 ,ZXDU30,ZXDU45,ZXDU58,ZXDU58 S151,ZXDU58 B121,ZXDU58 B900 ,ZXDU58 H121,ZXDU58 H121(V4.1R01M01),ZXDU58 T301,ZXDU68,ZXDU68 T601,ZXDU68 T301,ZXDU68 W201,ZXDU75,ZXDU75-BACK020400,ZXDU45-CSU。


In order to actively participate in the construction of China's smart grid and meet the requirements of power supply equipment for digital substations, Emerson Network Energy Co., Ltd. has developed a new generation of UtilitySure products, which combines the development of electronic devices, technology and IT technology, and provides a complete solution of power automation power supply system. It can be used in electric power, metallurgy, petrochemical, rail transit, airport, mine, building and other fields. It can provide stable and reliable DC and AC power supply for integrated automation systems, communication and network systems of power plants, substations and user substations. CSU401S, ZXD800, ZXD800E, ZXD800E, ZXD1200, ZXD1500, ZXD1500, ZXD1500 (V3.0), ZXD1500 (V4.0), ZXD1500 (V4.0), ZXD1500 (V4.1), ZXD1500 (V4.1, ZXD1500 (V4.2), ZXD1500 (V4.3), ZXD2400 (V1.1), ZXD2400 (V2.1, ZXD2400 (V2.1, ZXD2400 (V3.0), ZXD2400 (V3.0, ZXDD400 (V4.0), ZXD400 (ZXD400 (V4.1, ZXD2400 (ZXDU28, ZXD030 S480, ZXDU30, ZXDU45, ZXDU58, ZXDU58 S 151, ZXDU58 B121, ZXDU58 B900, ZXDU58 H121, ZXDU58 H121 (V4.1R01M01), ZXDU58 T301, ZXDU68, ZXDU68 T601, ZXDU68 T301, ZXDU68 W201, ZXDU75, ZXDU75-BACK020400, ZXDU45-CSU. CSU401S monitoring module is one of UtilitySure series products. It can be combined with rectifier module, DC-DC module, inverter module and other data acquisition module to form power automation power supply system. It can realize human-computer interface interaction, setting and coordinated operation of each functional unit, monitoring system operation status, uploading and transferring operation data, and intelligent battery tube. Reason. The system composed of EMU10 monitoring module has remote management function. It can communicate and report data through IEC61850, Modbus, CDT91 protocol and integrated automation system to realize unattended power station. This paper mainly introduces the EMU10 monitoring module and its functional characteristics, installation design and debugging methods, which can guide users how to use EMU10 to design, produce, debug and run the system. 2. Composition of the system: EMU10 monitoring system includes power module internal monitoring circuit, main monitoring module (EMU10), distribution monitoring unit (EAU01, EDU01 and EGU01), insulation monitoring instrument (JYM-II and JYM-S2, or EDU01 and EGU01), and battery inspection instrument (EBU01, EBU02) and other equipment.