pCold II
Catalog No. PVT10599
Packing 2ug
pCold II Information
Function E.coli expression plasmid
Resistance Amp
Screen /
Strain DH5alpha
Culture temperature 37degrees centigrade
Replicon pBR322
Copy Low
Promoter CSPA
Induction IPTG
Forward primer pCold-F
Reverse primer pCold-R
pCold II Description
When the temperature of the cultured Escherichia coli was reduced, most of the protein expression was reduced almost temporarily, while a group of proteins called "cold shock protein" was specifically induced. The cold shock expression vector, pCold I-IV, uses the cold shock gene CSPA promoter to design an efficient protein expression vector. The lac operon is inserted at the downstream of CSPA promoter to control expression. In addition, the 5'non translation area (5'UTR), the translation enhancement element (TEE), the His tag sequence, the Xa factor cutting site and the polyclonal site (MCS) are located downstream of the CSPA promoter. Most Escherichia coli strains can be used as the host of the product because of the Escherichia coli promoter. There are four types of pCold vectors, the location of their following parts is slightly different, TEE, His tag sequence and Factor XA enzyme site.
PColdII plasmid is designed by using cold shock gene CSPA promoter to design high efficiency protein expression vector. At the downstream of E.COLI promoter, lac operon was inserted to control expression. In addition, the 5 'untranslated region (5' UTR), the translation enhancement element (TEE), the His label sequence, the Xa factor cutting site and the polyclonal site (MCS) are located downstream of the CAPS promoter. When the culture temperature was switched to low temperature, the Escherichia coli stopped growing temporarily and most of the Escherichia coli protein expression decreased, but a class of proteins called cold shock proteins were specifically induced.
pCold II Sequence
LOCUS Exported 4392 bp ds-DNA circular SYN 13-SEP-2016
DEFINITION synthetic circular DNA
KEYWORDS Untitled 4
SOURCE synthetic DNA construct
ORGANISM synthetic DNA construct
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 4392)
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Exported Tuesday, September 13, 2016
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..4392
/organism="synthetic DNA construct"
/mol_type="other DNA"
protein_bind 84..100
/bound_moiety="lac repressor encoded by lacI"
/note="lac operator"
/note="The lac repressor binds to the lac operator to
inhibit transcription in E. coli. This inhibition can be
relieved by adding lactose or
isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)."
CDS 271..288
/product="6xHis affinity tag"
rep_origin complement(696..1151)
/note="f1 ori"
/note="f1 bacteriophage origin of replication; arrow
indicates direction of (+) strand synthesis"
promoter 1251..1355
/note="AmpR promoter"
CDS 1356..2216
/note="confers resistance to ampicillin, carbenicillin, and
related antibiotics"
rep_origin 2387..2975
/note="high-copy-number ColE1/pMB1/pBR322/pUC origin of
CDS complement(3147..4229)
/product="lac repressor"
/note="The lac repressor binds to the lac operator to
inhibit transcription in E. coli. This inhibition can be
relieved by adding lactose or
isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)."
promoter complement(4230..4307)
/note="lacI promoter"
1 aaggaatggt gtggccgatt aatcataaat atgaaaaata attgttgcat cacccgccaa
61 tgcgtggctt aatgcacatc aaattgtgag cggataacaa tttgatgtgc tagcgcatat
121 ccagtgtagt aaggcaagtc ccttcaagag ttatcgttga tacccctcgt agtgcacatt
181 cctttaacgc ttcaaaatct gtaaagcacg ccatatcgcc gaaaggcaca cttaattatt
241 aagaggtaat acaccatgaa tcacaaagtg catcatcatc atcatcatat ggagctcggt
301 accctcgagg gatccgaatt caagcttgtc gacctgcagt ctagataggt aatctctgct
361 taaaagcaca gaatctaaga tccctgccat ttggcgggga tttttttatt tgttttcagg
421 aaataaataa tcgatcgcgt aataaaatct attattattt ttgtgaagaa taaatttggg
481 tgcaatgaga atgcgcaggc cctttcgtct cgcgcgtttc ggtgatgacg gtgaaaacct
541 ctgacacatg cagctcccgg agacggtcac agcttgtctg taagcggatg ccgggagcag
601 acaagcccgt cagggcgcgt cagcgggtgt tggcgggtgt cggggctggc ttaactatgc
661 ggcatcagag cagattgtac tgagagtgca ccataaaatt gtaaacgtta atattttgtt
721 aaaattcgcg ttaaattttt gttaaatcag ctcatttttt aaccaatagg ccgaaatcgg
781 caaaatccct tataaatcaa aagaatagcc cgagataggg ttgagtgttg ttccagtttg
841 gaacaagagt ccactattaa agaacgtgga ctccaacgtc aaagggcgaa aaaccgtcta
901 tcagggcgat ggcccactac gtgaaccatc acccaaatca agttttttgg ggtcgaggtg
961 ccgtaaagca ctaaatcgga accctaaagg gagcccccga tttagagctt gacggggaaa
1021 gccggcgaac gtggcgagaa aggaagggaa gaaagcgaaa ggagcgggcg ctagggcgct
1081 ggcaagtgta gcggtcacgc tgcgcgtaac caccacaccc gccgcgctta atgcgccgct
1141 acagggcgcg tactatggtt gctttgacgt atgcggtgtg aaataccgca cagatgcgta
1201 aggagaaaat accgcatcag gcgtcaggtg gcacttttcg gggaaatgtg cgcggaaccc
1261 ctatttgttt atttttctaa atacattcaa atatgtatcc gctcatgaga caataaccct
1321 gataaatgct tcaataatat tgaaaaagga agagtatgag tattcaacat ttccgtgtcg
1381 cccttattcc cttttttgcg gcattttgcc ttcctgtttt tgctcaccca gaaacgctgg
1441 tgaaagtaaa agatgctgaa gatcagttgg gtgcacgagt gggttacatc gaactggatc
1501 tcaacagcgg taagatcctt gagagttttc gccccgaaga acgttttcca atgatgagca
1561 cttttaaagt tctgctatgt ggcgcggtat tatcccgtat tgacgccggg caagagcaac
1621 tcggtcgccg catacactat tctcagaatg acttggttga gtactcacca gtcacagaaa
1681 agcatcttac ggatggcatg acagtaagag aattatgcag tgctgccata accatgagtg
1741 ataacactgc ggccaactta cttctgacaa cgatcggagg accgaaggag ctaaccgctt
1801 ttttgcacaa catgggggat catgtaactc gccttgatcg ttgggaaccg gagctgaatg
1861 aagccatacc aaacgacgag cgtgacacca cgatgcctgt agcaatggca acaacgttgc