pFastBacHTB Search name
pFastBacHTB,Plasmid pFastBacHTB,pFastBacHTB vector
pFastBacHTB Informaiton
Promoter: PC, polyhedrin
Replicator: pUC ori, F1 ori
Terminator: SV40 poly (A) signal
Plasmid classification: the wide host series, insect cell carrier
Plasmid size: 4857bp
Plasmid label: N-His; N-TEV
Prokaryotic resistance: Amp
Screening markers: Gen
Cloned strain: DH5 alpha
Culture conditions: 37 centigrade, aerobic LB
Expression host: insect cells
Induction mode: no induction, instantaneous expression
5'sequencing primers: pFastbac-F: TATTCCGGATTATTCATACC
3'sequencing primers: pFastBac-R: ACAAATGTGGTATGGCTGA
pFastBacHTB Description
The pFastBac HT vector is supplied with the multiple cloning site in three reading frames (A, B, and C) to facilitate cloning your gene of interest in frame with the N-terminal 6xHis tag.

pFastBacHTB Sequence
LOCUS Exported 4857 bp ds-DNA circular SYN 09-SEP-2016
DEFINITION synthetic circular DNA
SOURCE synthetic DNA construct
ORGANISM synthetic DNA construct
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 4857)
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Exported Friday, September 9, 2016 from SnapGene Viewer 3.1.4
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..4857
/organism="synthetic DNA construct"
/mol_type="other DNA"
rep_origin 2..457
/note="f1 ori"
/note="f1 bacteriophage origin of replication; arrow
indicates direction of (+) strand synthesis"
promoter 484..588
/note="AmpR promoter"
CDS 589..1449
/note="confers resistance to ampicillin, carbenicillin, and
related antibiotics"
rep_origin 1620..2208
/note="high-copy-number ColE1/pMB1/pBR322/pUC origin of
mobile_element 2511..2735
/note="mini-Tn7 element (right end of the Tn7 transposon)"
CDS complement(2802..3335)
/product="gentamycin acetyltransferase"
/note="confers resistance to gentamycin"
promoter complement(3524..3552)
/gene="intI1 (promoter lies within the coding sequence)"
/note="Pc promoter"
/note="class 1 integron promoter"
promoter 3904..3995
/gene="polh from Autographa californica"
/note="polyhedrin promoter"
/note="promoter for the baculovirus polyhedrin gene"
CDS 4062..4079
/product="6xHis affinity tag"
CDS 4101..4121
/product="tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease recognition and
cleavage site"
/note="TEV site"
polyA_signal 4347..4481
/note="SV40 poly(A) signal"
/note="SV40 polyadenylation signal"
mobile_element 4510..4675
/note="mini-Tn7 element (left end of the Tn7 transposon)"
1 gacgcgccct gtagcggcgc attaagcgcg gcgggtgtgg tggttacgcg cagcgtgacc
61 gctacacttg ccagcgccct agcgcccgct cctttcgctt tcttcccttc ctttctcgcc
121 acgttcgccg gctttccccg tcaagctcta aatcgggggc tccctttagg gttccgattt
181 agtgctttac ggcacctcga ccccaaaaaa cttgattagg gtgatggttc acgtagtggg
241 ccatcgccct gatagacggt ttttcgccct ttgacgttgg agtccacgtt ctttaatagt
301 ggactcttgt tccaaactgg aacaacactc aaccctatct cggtctattc ttttgattta
361 taagggattt tgccgatttc ggcctattgg ttaaaaaatg agctgattta acaaaaattt
421 aacgcgaatt ttaacaaaat attaacgttt acaatttcag gtggcacttt tcggggaaat
481 gtgcgcggaa cccctatttg tttatttttc taaatacatt caaatatgta tccgctcatg
541 agacaataac cctgataaat gcttcaataa tattgaaaaa ggaagagtat gagtattcaa
601 catttccgtg tcgcccttat tccctttttt gcggcatttt gccttcctgt ttttgctcac
661 ccagaaacgc tggtgaaagt aaaagatgct gaagatcagt tgggtgcacg agtgggttac
721 atcgaactgg atctcaacag cggtaagatc cttgagagtt ttcgccccga agaacgtttt
781 ccaatgatga gcacttttaa agttctgcta tgtggcgcgg tattatcccg tattgacgcc
841 gggcaagagc aactcggtcg ccgcatacac tattctcaga atgacttggt tgagtactca
901 ccagtcacag aaaagcatct tacggatggc atgacagtaa gagaattatg cagtgctgcc
961 ataaccatga gtgataacac tgcggccaac ttacttctga caacgatcgg aggaccgaag
1021 gagctaaccg cttttttgca caacatgggg gatcatgtaa ctcgccttga tcgttgggaa
1081 ccggagctga atgaagccat accaaacgac gagcgtgaca ccacgatgcc tgtagcaatg
1141 gcaacaacgt tgcgcaaact attaactggc gaactactta ctctagcttc ccggcaacaa
1201 ttaatagact ggatggaggc ggataaagtt gcaggaccac ttctgcgctc ggcccttccg
1261 gctggctggt ttattgctga taaatctgga gccggtgagc gtgggtctcg cggtatcatt
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