pRSETA PVT0813 2ug
Search name
pRSETA,Plasmid pRSETA,pRSETA vector
pRSETA Informaiton
Alias: pRSET A
Promoter: T7/lac
Replicon: pUC ori, F1 ori
Terminator: T7 Terminator
Plasmid classification: Escherichia coli vector; pRSET series expression plasmid
Plasmid size: 2897bp
Plasmid tagging: N-His, N-EK, N-Xpress
Prokaryotic resistance: ampicillin Amp
Clonal strain: DH5 alpha
Culture conditions: 37 C, aerobic, LB
Expression host: BL21 (DE3) series, recommended BL21Star (DE3)
Culture conditions: 37 C, aerobic, LB
Induction: IPTG or lactose and its analogues.
5'sequencing primers: T7:TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG
3'sequencing primers: T7-ter:TGCTAGTTATTGCTCAGCGG
Remarks: pRSET expression plasmid
pRSETA Description
PRSET A vector is derived from pUC vector. The purpose of vector design is to clone genes for high level expression and purification in E. coli. The T7 promoter on the vector made it possible for pRSETA vector to express the gene sequence of cloning highly. In addition, the DNA insertion fragment is located downstream of the vector, and the upstream protein coding frame is consistent. The upstream coding sequence expresses a N-terminal fusion peptide. The sequence consists of an ATG translation initiation codon, a 6X His tag, a stable transcriptional sequence derived from phage T7 gene 10, an Xpress antigen epitope, and an enterokinase cleavage recognition sequence. The His label allows simple Ni column protein purification. Enterokinase recognition sites are located between the His tag and the recombinant protein, which facilitate the subsequent removal of the N-terminal fusion peptide of the recombinant protein.
pRSETA Multiple cloning site

pRSETA Sequence
LOCUS Exported 2897 bp ds-DNA circular SYN 11-9-2015
KEYWORDS Untitled 2
SOURCE synthetic DNA construct
ORGANISM synthetic DNA construct
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2897)
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Exported 2015-9-11
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..2897
/organism="synthetic DNA construct"
/mol_type="other DNA"
promoter 20..38
/note="T7 promoter"
/note="promoter for bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase"
CDS 112..129
/product="6xHis affinity tag"
CDS 133..165
/product="leader peptide from bacteriophage T7 gene 10"
/note="T7 tag (gene 10 leader)"
/note="promotes efficient translation in E. coli"
CDS 169..192
/product="Xpress(TM) epitope tag, including an enterokinase
recognition and cleavage site"
/note="Xpress(TM) tag"
terminator 312..359
/note="T7 terminator"
/note="transcription terminator for bacteriophage T7 RNA
rep_origin 456..911
/note="f1 ori"
/note="f1 bacteriophage origin of replication; arrow
indicates direction of (+) strand synthesis"
promoter 937..1041
/note="AmpR promoter"
CDS 1042..1902
/note="confers resistance to ampicillin, carbenicillin, and
related antibiotics"
rep_origin 2073..2661
/note="high-copy-number ColE1/pMB1/pBR322/pUC origin of
1 gatctcgatc ccgcgaaatt aatacgactc actataggga gaccacaacg gtttccctct
61 agaaataatt ttgtttaact ttaagaagga gatatacata tgcggggttc tcatcatcat
121 catcatcatg gtatggctag catgactggt ggacagcaaa tgggtcggga tctgtacgac
181 gatgacgata aggatcgatg gggatccgag ctcgagatct gcagctggta ccatggaatt
241 cgaagcttga tccggctgct aacaaagccc gaaaggaagc tgagttggct gctgccaccg
301 ctgagcaata actagcataa ccccttgggg cctctaaacg ggtcttgagg ggttttttgc
361 tgaaaggagg aactatatcc ggatctggcg taatagcgaa gaggcccgca ccgatcgccc
421 ttcccaacag ttgcgcagcc tgaatggcga atgggacgcg ccctgtagcg gcgcattaag
481 cgcggcgggt gtggtggtta cgcgcagcgt gaccgctaca cttgccagcg ccctagcgcc
541 cgctcctttc gctttcttcc cttcctttct cgccacgttc gccggctttc cccgtcaagc
601 tctaaatcgg gggctccctt tagggttccg atttagtgct ttacggcacc tcgaccccaa
661 aaaacttgat tagggtgatg gttcacgtag tgggccatcg ccctgataga cggtttttcg
721 ccctttgacg ttggagtcca cgttctttaa tagtggactc ttgttccaaa ctggaacaac
781 actcaaccct atctcggtct attcttttga tttataaggg attttgccga tttcggccta
841 ttggttaaaa aatgagctga tttaacaaaa atttaacgcg aattttaaca aaatattaac
901 gcttacaatt taggtggcac ttttcgggga aatgtgcgcg gaacccctat ttgtttattt
961 ttctaaatac attcaaatat gtatccgctc atgagacaat aaccctgata aatgcttcaa
1021 taatattgaa aaaggaagag tatgagtatt caacatttcc gtgtcgccct tattcccttt
1081 tttgcggcat tttgccttcc tgtttttgct cacccagaaa cgctggtgaa agtaaaagat
1141 gctgaagatc agttgggtgc acgagtgggt tacatcgaac tggatctcaa cagcggtaag
1201 atccttgaga gttttcgccc cgaagaacgt tttccaatga tgagcacttt taaagttctg
1261 ctatgtggcg cggtattatc ccgtattgac gccgggcaag agcaactcgg tcgccgcata
1321 cactattctc agaatgactt ggttgagtac tcaccagtca cagaaaagca tcttacggat
1381 ggcatgacag taagagaatt atgcagtgct gccataacca tgagtgataa cactgcggcc
1441 aacttacttc tgacaacgat cggaggaccg aaggagctaa ccgctttttt gcacaacatg
1501 ggggatcatg taactcgcct tgatcgttgg gaaccggagc tgaatgaagc cataccaaac
1561 gacgagcgtg acaccacgat gcctgtagca atggcaacaa cgttgcgcaa actattaact
1621 ggcgaactac ttactctagc ttcccggcaa caattaatag actggatgga ggcggataaa
1681 gttgcaggac cacttctgcg ctcggccctt ccggctggct ggtttattgc tgataaatct
1741 ggagccggtg agcgtgggtc tcgcggtatc attgcagcac tggggccaga tggtaagccc
1801 tcccgtatcg tagttatcta cacgacgggg agtcaggcaa ctatggatga acgaaataga
1861 cagatcgctg agataggtgc ctcactgatt aagcattggt aactgtcaga ccaagtttac
1921 tcatatatac tttagattga tttaaaactt catttttaat ttaaaaggat ctaggtgaag
1981 atcctttttg ataatctcat gaccaaaatc ccttaacgtg agttttcgtt ccactgagcg
2041 tcagaccccg tagaaaagat caaaggatct tcttgagatc ctttttttct gcgcgtaatc
2101 tgctgcttgc aaacaaaaaa accaccgcta ccagcggtgg tttgtttgcc ggatcaagag
2161 ctaccaactc tttttccgaa ggtaactggc ttcagcagag cgcagatacc aaatactgtt
2221 cttctagtgt agccgtagtt aggccaccac ttcaagaact ctgtagcacc gcctacatac
2281 ctcgctctgc taatcctgtt accagtggct gctgccagtg gcgataagtc gtgtcttacc
2341 gggttggact caagacgata gttaccggat aaggcgcagc ggtcgggctg aacggggggt