产地:Vectorlabs 货号:SK-4800 规格: 1 KitThe reagents in this peroxidase substrate kit are supplied as concentrated stock solutions in convenient dropper bottles. The kit provides all of the necessary reagents to prepare about 300 ml of working solution. When stored at 4 ºC, this kit is stable for one year. Vector® NovaRED™ substrate kit produces a red reaction product and is several times more sensitive than AEC. Moreover, sections stained with the Vector® NovaRED™ substrate may be dehydrated in ethanol and cleared in organic solvents such as xylene and permanently mounted in a non-aqueous mounting medium such as VectaMount™. This substrate can be used as a single label alternative to DAB or as an additional color in multiple label tissue staining. Vector® NovaRED™ substrate provides excellent contrast with several Vector® peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase substrates and is compatible with Vector® Hematoxylin and Vector® Methyl Green counterstains.