Description | | 50x AEC Chromogen, 3mL (Formerly Signet Catalog No: 1027) |
Intended Use | | ** In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) ** |
Form | | Chromogen Detection Reagent |
Specificity | | Signets AEC Chromogen Systems consist of concentrated (50x) AEC chromogen and substrate buffer. The use of AEC in conjunction with peroxidase-based detection protocols results in the deposition of red chromogen deposits at reactions sites on tissue sections. The 3mL volume of 50x AEC chromogen provides enough material for 1000 tests. |
Uses | | AEC Chromogen Concentrate (SIGNET)The AEC chromogen concentrate is to be diluted with the AEC chromogen substrate buffer (Cat No: SIG-31030). |
Suggested Working Dilution | | Protocol: 1. Dilute AEC concentrate 0.1:5 with Substrate Buffer (Cat No: SIG-31030) 2. Apply mixture to tissue section 3. Incubate the slides for 5-10 min. at room temperature 4. Rinse tissue sections with deionized water 5. Counterstain and mount using aqueous mounting media AEC Chromogen Concentrate (SIGNET)6. AEC induces a red precipitate with almost no background |
Notes | | AEC reaction product is soluble in alcohol. Do not use organic solvents after AEC staining. |
Storage | | Store this product between 2-8°C. AEC preparations should be stored in a manner which minimizes exposure to light. |
Warranty/Conditions | | Covance products may not be resold or modified for resale without prior written approval. |