Pefachrome® FIXa
Chromogenic substrate for factor IXa with improved sensitivity. Determination of factor IXa activity for in-process and quality control of factor IX preparations.
Chemical formula: CH3SO2-D-CHG-Gly-Arg-pNA·AcOH
MW: 628.7
Kcat: 4.4 s-1 Km: 1.3 mM
(determined in the presence of 33% ethylene glycol)
Note: The sensitivity of Pefachrome® FIXa is significantly increased in the presence of 33% ethylene glycol.
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Dramatic enhancement of the catalytic activity of coagulation factor IXa by alcohols. FEBS Lett 1997; 412:295-300.
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Determination of activated factor IX in factor IX concentrates with a chromogenic substrate. Throm Res 1998; 92:99-102.