和元腺相关病毒(adeno-associated virus,AAV)是一类细小病毒,基因组为单链DNA,对分裂细胞和非分裂细胞均具有感染能力。 AAV的血清型是指目前已发现的不同衣壳蛋白的数十种AAV在体内产生不同的抗血清类型,它们对相同的组织和细胞具有不同的感染效率。
重组腺相关病毒rAAV是利用AAV2型基因组与不同的衣壳蛋白结合产生的混合体病毒载体,一般标记为rAAV2/N (N为不同的衣壳血清型)。纽恩生物通过长期的研发,构建了一系列用于基因表达和基因干扰操作的载体。
病毒感染实例如下: 2.慢病毒 慢病毒(Lentivirus): 是一类改造自人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的病毒载体。它是一种RNA病毒,可利用逆转录酶将外源基因整合到基因组中实现稳定长时表达。目前广泛用于哺乳动物细胞和整体的基因转化操作,具有能同时感染分裂期与非分裂期的细胞等特性。
病毒感染实例如下: 3. 逆转录病毒 逆转录病毒(Retrovirus) :改自鼠白血病病毒(MMLV),是一种RNA病毒,可以利用逆转录酶将外源基因整合到基因组中实现稳定长时表达。逆转录病毒特异性地感染分裂细胞,对造血干细胞和神经干细胞在体外和体内感染具有良好的效果。
4. 腺病毒 腺病毒 (Adenovirus) :是一种DNA病毒,具有广泛的细胞和组织感染能力。感染过程剧烈,适于在短时间内进行基因高表达的实验。与其它病毒载体相比,腺病毒优势在于插入片段较长,表达活性强;可进行扩增操作。
病毒感染实例如下:三、客户部分发表文章列表[1] Nature. (IF=40.137). Yang Y,et.al. (2018). Ketamine blocks bursting in the lateral habenula to rapidly relieve depression. [腺相关病毒, 抑郁症].
[2] Science. (IF=37.205). Mu D,et.al. (2017). A central neural circuit for itch sensation. [腺相关病毒, 痒].
[3] Science. (IF=37.205). Zhou T,et.al. (2017). History of winning remodels thalamo-PFC circuit to reinforce social dominance. [腺相关病毒, 社会行为].
[4] Science. (IF=37.205). Liu D,et.al. (2014). Medial prefrontal activity during delay period contributes to learning of a working memory task. [腺相关病毒, 学习与记忆, 光遗传].
[5] Science. (IF=37.205). Li K,et.al. (2013). βCaMKII in lateral habenula mediates core symptoms of depression. [腺相关病毒, 抑郁症].
[6] Cell. (IF=30.14). Zhu HY,et.al. (2018). Moderate UV Exposure Enhances Learning and Memory by Promoting a Novel Glutamate Biosynthetic Pathway in the Brain. [腺相关病毒, 学习与记忆].
[7] Cell. (IF=30.14). Bian WJ,et.al. (2015). Coordinated Spine Pruning and Maturation Mediated by Inter-Spine Competition for Cadherin/Catenin Complexes. [腺相关病毒, 神经环路].
[8] Nature Medicine. (IF=22.864). Zhu L J,et.al. (2014). CAPON-nNOS coupling can serve as a target for developing new anxiolytics. [腺相关病毒, 焦虑症].
[9] Nature Medicine. (IF=22.864). Cao X,et.al. (2013). Astrocyte-derived ATP modulates depressive-like behaviors. [腺相关病毒, 抑郁症].
[10] Nature Cell Biology. (IF=20.06). Wang Y J,et.al. (2017). Cholesterol and fatty acids regulate cysteine ubiquitylation of ACAT2 through competitive oxidation. [腺相关病毒, 脂质].
[11] Cancer Discovery. (IF=19.783). Sun TT,et.al. (2016). A novel IncRNA GClnc1 promotes gastric carcinogenesis and may act as a modular scaffold of WDR5 and KAT2A complexes to specify the histone modification pattern. [腺病毒, 胃癌, lncRNA].
[12] Nature Neuroscience. (IF=16.724). Ding XL,et.al. (2017). Activity-induced histone modifica-tions govern Neurexin-1 mRNA splicing and memory preservation. [慢病毒, 学习与记忆, 光遗传].
[13] Nature Neuroscience. (IF=16.724). Li YD,et.al. (2017). A distinct entorhinal cortex to hippo-campal CA1 direct circuit for olfactory associative learning. [腺相关病毒, 学习与记忆].
[14] Nature Neuroscience. (IF=16.724). Yang HB,et.al. (2015). Laterodorsal tegmentum interneu-ron subtypes oppositely regulate olfactory cue-induced innate fear. [腺相关病毒, 先天恐惧, 光遗传].
[15] Nature Neuroscience. (IF=16.724). Zheng J J,et.al. (2013). Oxytocin mediates early expe-rience-dep Nature medicine endent cross-modal plasticity in the sensory cortices. [腺相关病毒, 感觉系统].
[16] Science Translational Medicine. (IF=16.264). Shao J,et.al. (2017). Smartphone-controlled optogenetically engineered cells enable semiautomatic glucose homeostasis in diabetic mice. [慢病毒, 糖尿病].
[17] Cell Research. (IF=15.606). Hu RG,et.al. (2017). Excessive UBE3A dosage impairs retinoic acid signaling and synaptic plasticity in autism spectrum disorders. [腺相关病毒, 孤独症].
[18] Cell Research. (IF=14.812). Xie C,et.al. (2016). Genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9 in post-natal mice corrects PRKAG2 cardiac syndrome. [腺相关病毒, 心脏, Cas9].
[19] Cell Research. (IF=14.812). Gao M,et.al. (2014). Generation of transgenic golden Syrian hamsters. [慢病毒, 转基因仓鼠].
[20] Neuron. (IF=14.024). Han Q,et.al. (2018). A Visual-Cue-Dependent Memory Circuit for Place Navigation [腺相关病毒, 学习与记忆, 钙成像].
[21] Neuron. (IF=14.024). Cao W,et.al. (2018). Gamma Oscillation Dysfunction in mPFC Leads to Social Deficits in Neuroligin 3 R451C Knockin Mice. [腺相关病毒, 自闭症, 光遗传].
[22] Neuron. (IF=14.024). Wang Y,et.al. (2017). Depolarized GABAergic Signaling in Subicular Microcircuits Mediates Generalized Seizure in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. [腺相关病毒, 癫痫, 光遗传].
[23] Developmental Cell. (IF=12.681). Cheng T L,et.al. (2014). MeCP2 Suppresses Nuclear Mi-croRNA Processing and Dendritic Growth by Regulating the DGCR8/Drosha Complex. [腺相关病毒, 发育].
[24] Nature Communications. (IF=12.124). Wei YC,et.al. (2018). Medial preoptic area in mice is capable of mediating sexually dimorphic behaviors regardless of gender. [腺相关病毒, 感觉系统].
[25] Nature Communications. (IF=12.124). Xu L,et.al. (2017). The interhemispheric CA1 circuit governs rapid generalisation but not fear memory. [腺相关病毒, 学习与记忆, 光遗传 化学遗传].
[26] Nature Communications. (IF=12.124). Yao XH,et.al. (2016). Electrical coupling regulates layer 1 interneuron microcircuit formation in the neocortex. [慢病毒, 神经环路].
[27] Nature Communications. (IF=12.124). Wei PF,et.al. (2015). Processing of visually evoked innate fear by a non-canonical thalamic pathway. [腺相关病毒, 先天恐惧].
[28] Nature Communications. (IF=12.124). Zhu YJ,et.al. (2015). Control of response reliability by parvalbumin-expressing interneurons in visual cortex. [腺相关病毒, 感觉系统, 视觉].
[29] Nature Communications. (IF=12.124). Han G,et.al. (2016). Hexose enhances oligonucleotide delivery and exon skipping in dystrophin-deficient mdx mice. [腺相关病毒, 肌肉, 基因ZL].
[30] Nature Communications. (IF=12.124). Shi Y,et.al. (2017). Tumour-associated macrophages secrete pleiotrophin to promote PTPRZ1 signalling in glioblastoma stem cells for tumour growth. [慢病毒, 胶质细胞瘤干细胞].
[31] Hepatology. (IF=11.711). Ma JZ,et.al. (2016). METTL14 suppresses the metastatic potential of HCC by modulating m6 A-dependent primary miRNA processing. [慢病毒, 肝癌].
[32] The EMBO Journal. (IF=9.822). Ren S. Q,et.al. (2013). PKCλ is critical in AMPA receptor phosphorylation and synaptic incorporation during LTP. [腺相关病毒, 突触].
[33] PNAS. (IF=9.674). Du H,et.al. (2016). Dopaminergic inputs in the dentate gyrus direct the choice of memory encoding. [腺相关病毒, 学习与记忆, 光遗传].
[34] PNAS. (IF=9.674). Lia J,et.al. (2015). Synaptic P-Rex1 signaling regulates hippocampal longterm depression and autism-like social behavior. [腺相关病毒, 社会行为].
[35] Elife. (IF=9.322). Niu Y,et.al. (2017). Ablation of SNX6 leads to defects in synaptic function of CA1 pyramidal neurons and spatial memory. [腺相关病毒, 学习与记忆].
[36] Elife. (IF=9.322). Ni KM,et.al. (2016). Selectively driving cholinergic fibers optically in the thalamic reticular nucleus promotes sleep. [腺相关病毒, 睡眠].
[37] Elife. (IF=9.322). Qu Z,et.al. (2016). Loss of ZBTB20 impairs circadian output and leads to unimodal behavioral rhythms. [腺相关病毒, 行为].
[38] Elife. (IF=9.322). Chen M,et.al. (2015). Morphine disinhibits glutamatergic input to VTA do-pamine neurons and promotes dopamine neuron excitation. [腺相关病毒, 神经元兴奋性].
[39] Autophagy. (IF=9.108). Shen Z,et.al. (2017). PARK2-dependent mitophagy induced by acidic postconditioning protects against focal cerebral ischemia and extends the reperfusion window. [腺相关病毒, 脑缺血, 自噬].
[40] Autophagy. (IF=9.108). Zhao X J,et.al. (2015). Elaiophylin, a novel autophagy inhibitor, exerts antitumor activity as a single agent in ovarian cancer cells. [慢病毒, 卵巢癌, 自噬].
[41] Autophagy. (IF=9.108). Guo W J,et.al. (2015). Small molecule-driven mitophagy-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition is responsible for the prevention of colitis-associated cancer. [慢病毒, 结肠炎相关癌症, 自噬].
[42] Theranostics. (IF=8.854). Tao SC,et.al. (2017). Exosomes derived from miR-140-5p-overexpressing human synovial mesenchymal stem cells enhance cartilage tissue regeneration and prevent osteoarthritis of the knee in arat model. [慢病毒, 软骨, 外泌体].
[43] Embo Molecular Medicine. (IF=8.665). Guan Y,et.al. (2016). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated somatic correction of anovel coagulator factor IX gene mutation ameliorates hemophilia in mouse. [腺病毒, 血友病, Cas9].
[44] Biomaterials. (IF=8.402). Yang Q,et.al. (2017). Cuprous oxide nanoparticles trigger ER stress-inducedapoptosis by regulating copper trafficking and overcoming resistance to sunitinib therapy in renal cancer. [慢病毒, 肾].
[45] Cell Reports. (IF=8.358). Wang B,et.al. (2016). FMRP-Mediated Axonal Delivery of miR-181d Regulates Axon Elongation by Locally Targeting Map1b and Calm1. [腺相关病毒, 突触传递].
[46] Biomaterials. (IF=8.312). Luo X Y,et.al. (2015). CAD based design sensitivity analysis and shape optimization of scaffolds for bio-root regeneration in swine. [慢病毒, 生物牙根].
[47] Biomaterials. (IF=8.312). Wang X,et.al. (2013). Promotion of dentin regeneration via CCN3 modulation on Notch and BMP signaling pathways. [慢病毒, 牙髓干细胞].
[48] Cereb Cortex. (IF=8.285). Wu G Y,et.al. (2017). Medial Prefrontal Cortex-Pontine Nuclei Projections Modulate Suboptimal Cue-Induced Associative Motor Learning. [腺相关病毒, 学习与记忆].
[49] Diabetes. (IF=8.095). Xiao Y Z,et.al. (2015). Activation of ERK1/2 ameliorates liver steatosis in leptin receptor deficient (db/db)mice via stimulating ATG7-dependent autophagy. [腺病毒, 肝脏].
[50] Oncogene. (IF=7.932). Zhou Q ,et.al. (2016). Transducin (β)-like 1 X-linked receptor 1 pro-motes gastric cancer progression via the ERK1/2 pathway. [慢病毒, 胃癌].
[51] Oncogene. (IF=7.932). Wen S Y,et.al. (2013). miR-506 acts as a tumor suppressor by directly targeting the hedgehog pathway transcription factor Gli3 in human cervical cancer. [慢病毒, 宫颈癌].
[52] Clinical Cancer Research. (IF=7.837). Shi Y,et.al. (2014). Primate-specific miR-663 functions as a tumor suppressor by targeting PIK3CD and predicts the prognosis of human glioblastoma. [慢病毒, 胶质母细胞瘤].
[53] Molecular Therapy. (IF=6.688). Yue B,et.al. (2018). A Positive Feed-Forward Loop between LncRNA-CYTOR and Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Promotes Metastasis of Colon Cancer. [慢病毒, 结肠癌, lncRNA].
[54] Diabetologia. (IF=6.671). Ma X,et.al. (2015). RBP4 functions as a hepatokine in the regulation of glucose metabolism by the circadian clock in mice. [腺相关病毒, 肝脏].
[55] International Journal of Cancer. (IF=6.513). Ke Y,et.al. (2017). Discs large homolog 5 decreases formation and function of invadopodia in human hepatocellular carcinoma via Girdin and Tks5. [干扰质粒, 肝癌].
[56] Science Signaling. (IF=6.494). Huang B,et.al. (2018). β-Arrestin-biased β-adrenergic signaling promotes extinction learning of cocaine reward memory. [腺相关病毒, 学习与记忆].
[57] Drug Delivery. (IF=6.402). Tao SC,et.al. (2018). Extracellular vesicle-mimetic nanovesicles transport LncRNA-H19 as competing endogenous RNA for the treatment of diabetic wounds. [慢病毒, 糖尿病, lncRNA].
[58] Cancer Letters. (IF=6.375). Jiang KR,et.al. (2017). Yin Yang-1 suppresses pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cell proliferation and tumor growth by regulating SOX2OT-SOX2 axis. [荧光素酶, 导管腺癌, lncRNA].
[59] The Journal of Neuroscience. (IF=6.344). Liu Y G,et.al. (2015). Ascl1 Converts Dorsal Mid-brain Astrocytes into Functional Neurons In Vivo. [腺相关病毒, 星型胶质细胞].
[60] Aging Cell. (IF=6.34). Xiong Y S,et.al. (2015). Opposite effects of two estrogen receptors on tau phosphorylation through disparate effects on the miR-218/PTPA pathway. [干扰质粒, 阿尔茨海默病].
[61] Redox Biology. (IF=6.235). Huang GY,et.al. (2016). Signaling pathways involved in HSP32 induction by hyperbaric oxygen in rat spinal neurons. [慢病毒, 脊髓损伤].
[62] Molecular Cancer. (IF=6.204). Zhao Y,et.al. (2018). The lncRNA MACC1-AS1 promotes gastric cancer cell metabolic plasticity via AMPK/Lin28 mediated mRNA stability of MACC1. [慢病毒, 胃癌, lncRNA].
[63] Molecular Neurobiology. (IF=6.19). Liu Q ,et.al. (2018). Dcf1 Triggers Dendritic Spine Formation and Facilitates Memory Acquisition. [腺相关病毒, 学习与记忆].
[64] Cell Death & Disease. (IF=5.965). Wang MJ,et.al. (2018). Insulin-like growth factor 2 is a key mitogen driving liver repopulation in mice. [腺相关病毒, 肝脏].
[65] Brain Behavior and Immunity. (IF=5.964). Fan YX,et.al. (2018). Induction of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 via HSF-1-HSP70-TLR4 axis attenuates neuroinflammation and ameliorates postoperative pain. [慢病毒, 痛].
[66] Brain Behavior and Immunity. (IF=5.964). Yuan YQ,et.al. (2017). Impaired CBS-H2S signal-ing axiscontributes to MPTP-induced neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Parkinson’s dis-ease. [慢病毒 腺相关病毒, 帕金森病].
[67] Brain Behavior and Immunity. (IF=5.964). Zhong J,et.al. (2017). The long non-coding RNA Neat1 is animportant mediator of the therapeutic effect of bexarotene on traumatic brain injury in mice. [腺病毒, 脑损伤, lncRNA].
[68] Journal of Neuroscience. (IF=5.924). Zheng J,et.al. (2017). Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis along the Dorsoventral Axis Contributes Differentially to Environmental Enrichment Combined with VoluntaryExercise in Alleviating Chronic Inflammatory Pain in Mice. [腺相关病毒, 痛].
[69] Journal of Neuroscience. (IF=5.924). Deng H,et.al. (2016). Periaqueductal Gray Neuronal Activities Underlie Different Aspects of Defensive Behaviors. [腺相关病毒, 行为, 光遗传].
[70] Cellular & Molecular Immunology. (IF=5.897). Huang G,et.al. (2017). RhoB regulates the function ofmacrophages in the hypoxia-induced inflammatory response. [腺病毒, 炎症, 巨噬细胞].
[71] Breast Cancer Research. (IF=5.881). Li P,et.al. (2014). MiR-183/-96/-182 cluster is up-regulated in most breast cancers and increases cell proliferation and migration. [慢病毒, 乳腺癌, microRNA].
[72] Free Radical Biology and Medicine. (IF=5.736). Cheng X,et.al. (2016). Lipoxin A4 attenuates LPS-inducedmouse acute lung injury via Nrf2-mediated E-cadherin expression in airway epithelial cells. [质粒, 肺部].
[73] The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. (IF=5.641). Wang Y X,et.al. (2014). Protein kinase Mζ is involved in the modulatory effect of fluoxetine on hippocampal neurogenesis in vitro. [慢病毒, 抑郁症].
[74] Carcinogenesis. (IF=5.635). Zhu Z,et.al. (2014). Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase U (PTPRU) is Required for Glioma Growth and Motility. [慢病毒, 胶质瘤].
[75] Clinical Science. (IF=5.629). He T,et.al. (2015). Pigment epithelium-derived factor regulates microvascular permeability through adipose triglyceride lipase in sepsis. [慢病毒, 血管].
[76] Cancer Letters. (IF=5.621). Fang ZY,et.al. (2016). A feed-forward regulatory loop between androgen receptor and PlncRNA-1 promotes prostate cancer progression. [荧光素酶, 前列腺癌, lncRNA microRNA].
[77] Cancer Letters. (IF=5.621). Rao J,et.al. (2014). Semaphorin-3F suppresses the stemness of colorectal cancer cells by inactivating Rac1. [慢病毒, 结肠直肠癌].
[78] Scientific Reports. (IF=5.578). Lv Y F,et.al. (2015). Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 silencing inhibits tumor growth and lung metastasis in osteosarcoma. [慢病毒, 骨肉瘤].
[79] Scientific Reports. (IF=5.578). Gu Y,et.al. (2015). Endogenous IL-6 of mesenchymal stem cell improves behavioral outcome of hypoxic-ischemic brain damage neonatal rats by supressing apoptosis in astrocyte. [慢病毒, 间充质干细胞].
[80] FASEB Journal. (IF=5.498). Lu Q,et.al. (2018). Long noncoding RNA SNHG1 promotes non-small cell lung cancer progression by up-regulating MTDH via sponging miR-145-5p. [荧光素酶, 非小肺癌, lncRNA].
[81] British Journal of Pharmacology. (IF=5.491). Zhao Y,et.al. (2018). RTP801 is a critical factor in the neurodegeneration process of A53T α-synuclein in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease under chronic restraint stress. [慢病毒, 帕金森病].
[82] Journal of Neuroinflammation. (IF=5.408). Lin W P,et.al. (2016). Heme oxygenase-1 promotes neuron survival through down-regulation of neuronal NLRP1 expression after spinal cord injury. [腺相关病毒, 脊髓损伤].
[83] Molecular Neurobiology. (IF=5.397). Wang Z C,et.al. (2016). Decreased Methylation Level of H3K27me3 Increases Seizure Susceptibility. [慢病毒, 癫痫].
[84] Molecular Neurobiology. (IF=5.397). Guo J,et.al. (2015). Overexpression of Fibulin-5 Atte-nuates Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury After Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats. [腺病毒, 缺血再灌注].
[85] The Faseb Journal. (IF=5.299). Wang Y,et.al. (2016). Down-regulation of Risa improves insulin sensitivity by enhancing autophagy. [腺病毒, 肝细胞, 自噬].
[86] Oncotarget. (IF=5.168). Wang L,et.al. (2017). Protein salvador homolog 1 acts as a tumor suppressor and is modulated by hypermethylation in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. [慢病毒, 导管腺癌].
[87] Oncotarget. (IF=5.168). Cao SW,et.al. (2017). Long non-coding RNA UBE2CP3 promotes tumor metastasis by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition in hepatocellular carcinoma. [慢病毒, 肺癌, lncRNA].
[88] Oncotarget. (IF=5.168). Tang W,et.al. (2017). Expression of estrogen receptors and androgen receptor and their clinical significance in gastric cancer. [慢病毒, 胃癌].
[89] Oncotarget. (IF=5.168). Liu XZ,et.al. (2017). Dishevelled2 promotes apoptosis and inhibits inflammatory cytokine secretion in rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes through crosstalk with the NF-κB pathway. [慢病毒, 类风湿性关节炎].
[90] Neurobiology of Aging. (IF=5.153). Zheng JY,et.al. (2017). Selective deletion of apolipo-protein E in astrocytes ameliorates the spatial learning and memory deficits in Alzheimer’s disease (APP/PS1) mice by inhibiting TGF-β/Smad2/STAT3 signaling. [腺相关病毒, 阿尔茨海默病].
[91] Mol Neurobiol. (IF=5.137). Hu G,et.al. (2016). Triptolide Promotes the Clearance of α-Synuclein by Enhancing Autophagy in Neuronal Cells. [慢病毒, 突触].
[92] Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. (IF=5.076). Jiao DL,et.al. (2017). SYVN1, an ERAD E3 Ubiquitin Ligase, Is Involved in GABAAa1 Degradation Associated with Methamphetamine- Induced Conditioned Place Preference. [腺相关病毒, 成瘾].
[93] Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. (IF=4.808). Xiang L,et.al. (2014). Knock-down of glutaminase 2 expression decreases glutathione, NADH, and sensi-tizes cervical cancer to ionizing radiation. [慢病毒, 宫颈癌].
[94] Brain Pathology. (IF=4.739). Xu Q F,et.al. (2014). MiR-22 is Frequently Down‐regulated in Medulloblastomas,and Inhibits Cell Proliferation via the Novel Target PAPST1. [慢病毒, 髓母细胞瘤].
[95] Translational Psychiatry. (IF=4.73). Wang XX,et.al. (2017). Nectin-3 modulates the structural plasticity of dentate granule cells and long-term memory. [腺相关病毒 逆转录病毒, 学习与记忆].
[96] Plos One. (IF=4.73). Yang C,et.al. (2013). Systemic Blockade of Dopamine D2-Like Receptors Increases High-Voltage Spindles in the Globus Pallidus and Motor Cortex of Freely Moving Rats. [腺相关病毒, 运动].
[97] Plos One. (IF=4.73). Zeng J,et.al. (2014). GSK3β Overexpression Indicates Poor Prognosis and Its Inhibition Reduces Cell Proliferation and Survival of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. [慢病毒, 非小肺癌].
[98] Plos One. (IF=4.73). Kuang C Y,et.al. (2014). Schlafen 1 Inhibits the Proliferation and Tube Formation of Endothelial Progenitor Cells. [腺病毒, 外周血内皮祖细胞].
[99] Experimental Neurology. (IF=4.706). Liu CC,et.al. (2018). Upregulation of NLRP3 via STAT3-dependent histone acetylation contributes to painful neuropathy induced by bortezomib. [腺相关病毒, 痛].
[100] Journal of Molecular Medicine. (IF=4.686). Lu ZL,et.al. (2018). TGF-β-induced NKILA inhibits ESCC cell migration and invasion through NF-κB/MMP14 signaling. [干扰质粒, 食管鳞状细胞癌].