是否提供加工定制: | 否 | 品Pai: | 海克斯康 | 型号: | PC-DIMS-CAD++ |
规格: | 三坐标测量软件 | 适用范围: | 全自动三坐标测量软件 | | |
品Pai | 海克斯康 | 型号 | PC DMIS CAD++ |
类型 | 三坐标测量软件 | 定位精度 | 0.0001(mm) |
外形尺寸 | 1(mm) | 适用范围 | 三坐标测量软件 |

PC-DMIS CAD++ Software功能强大的计量与检测软件PC-DMIS,为计量需要提供了的解决方案,使您的测量过程始终以高速、GX率和高精度进行。这一完善的测量软件,通过其简捷用户界面,引导使用者进行零件编程、程序初始设定和执行工件检测。同时,利用其一体化的图形功能,能够生成可视化的图形报告。Powerful PC-DMIS measurement and inspection software is the ideal solution for any metrology requirement. With PC-DMIS software, you can take your measurement with speed, efficiency and accuracy. This comprehensive software features an easy-to-use operator interface that guides you through part programming, setup and inspection routine execution. Plus, with its integrated graphics function, you can create reports that put a fresh perspective on dimensional data.PC-DMIS提供了如下先进的性能Main Features:具有中文版面和在线中文帮助完善、可定制的直观化图形用户界面(GUI)为不同软件应用水平的操作者提供了便捷的执行功能强大的计量软件的方法点击鼠标,立即执行下述操作:完善的测头管理、零件坐标系管理和工件找正、检测报告、支持预览、特征构造、特征测量平行度、 垂直度、角度、对称度、位置度、同轴度、同心度、轴向跳动、径向跳动、轴向全跳动、径向全跳动可实现工件几何特征量的直接测量,并能够完成几何关系的计算、构造和形位公差的评价与分析互动式超级报告功能,增加了报告格式和数据处理上的灵活性PTB完全认证完全支持所有通用标准,例如,DMIS标准和IGES标准符合ISO标准的公差评判能力可支持I++

Chinese language and Chinese on line help available.A fully configurable, intuitive graphic user interface (GUI) provides users of all skill levels with easy access to powerful measurement routines.One click start routines for probe qualification and management, part alignments, reports, preview assistant, feature construction and feature measurementForm evaluations of geometrical elements: Straightness, Flatness, Roundness, Cylinder form, Conical form, Torus form, and Spherical form. True position of an element with reference to the datum(s) Parallelism, Squareness, Angularity, Symmetry, Position, Coaxiality, Concentricity, Axial runout, Radial runout, Total axial runout, Total radial runoutGeometric features measurement, geometric relations calculation & construction, form and position tolerance evaluation.Interactive Hyper Reporting allows a new flexibility in report formatting and data handling.Full PTB certification.Support for the most recent versions of all popular standards such as DMIS and IGES.ISO tolerancing capability.Can support I++
PC-DMIS CAD++具备高速扫描功能High Speed ScanningPC-DMIS CAD++软件适用于工件建模,模具制造调整,生产过程中故障诊断和处理以及事故分析。PC-DMIS CAD++ 软件与扫描性能相结合,操作者能够快速,GX,准确的测量复杂几何形状,例如蜗轮叶片,模具,模型,钣金件组件和其他曲线,曲面形状。各种类型的扫描特性能够生成工件表面的不同扫描模式,该特征也是检测工件配合表面尺寸的重要工具。PC-DMIS CAD++ is an ideal tool for model making, die adjustment, process troubleshooting, and failure analysis. It incorporates a scanning function that allows you to accurately measure complex shapes such as turbine blades, dies, models, sheet metal components and other curved shapes quickly and efficiently. A wide variety of scan features create scan patterns on the surface of a part, a valued tool for checking dimensions of mating part surfaces. Just point and click on the graphical representation of the part to select the area you want to scan. The software automatically extracts nominal values and correct vectors from the mathematical definition of the surface of the part from the CAD model.

With manual CMMs the program graphically directs the operator to the correct locations on the part. The software then calculates the difference between where measured points are located and where they should be along a vector of deviation.PC-DMIS CAD++支持薄壁件和雕刻表面工件的测量功能Support for Thin-walled Parts and Sculptured SurfacesPC-DMIS CAD++ 软件提供快速,简捷测量薄壁件(包括钣金件,塑料件,玻璃件和管件)的全套测量程序。这些程序包括自动寻找测量元素,实时三维测头补偿,自动补偿变形工件的表面位置和方向。PC-DMIS CAD++ also includes a complete suite of measurement routine that make the inspection of thin-walled (sheet metal, plastics, glass, pipes, etc.) parts faster and easier. These rountines include automatic feature search, real time 3D probe compensation and the ability to sample the location and orientation of the surface to automatically compensate for part variability.

-平面度的评价增加了按照单元区域进行计算和评价-增加了圆柱和斜平面构造椭圆的功能-增加了3条直线构造公切圆的功能-增加了计算3个圆的内、外公切圆的功能-图形误差颜色按照设定偏差值大小显示-所有检测数据显示在同一测量报告页-Flatness per unit area-Ellipse construction from a plane and cylinder intersection-Circle construction inside a triangle (tangency to three lines)-Circle construction from three circles (inscribed and circumscribed)-Optimized profile tolerance which allows the user to shift the data within the tolerance zone to analyze excess of material-All inspection results can display with one page of paper.可配备的扫描测头: