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( MOB:杨永汉)

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103

如果操作临床样本比操作培养 样本对工作人员造成的危险性小,就建议确定较低的生物 安全水平级别。另一方面,如果实验操作涉及体积较大的 样本和(或)浓度较高(“生产数量”)的病原体制备品 ,或可能产生气溶胶,或操作本身就有危险,则需要额外 的预防措施,并提高初级和二级防扩散装置的水平。“生 产数量”是指感染性病原体的体积或浓度,大大超过了通 常进行鉴定和分型所需要的量。正如在大规模发酵、抗原 和疫苗的生产以及各种商业和研究活动中,感染性病原体 的增殖和浓缩需要处理大量“生产数量”级的感染性病原 体。大量的感染性病原体可能造成危险性增加,所以对于 任何指定的病原体,不可能将“生产数量”限定为有限的 体积或浓度。因此,实验室主管必须对要进行的实验操作 进行评估,选择与危险性适合的操作技术、防扩散仪器和 设施,而不需考虑涉及的病原体的体积和浓度。
If the operation of the clinical sample is less risky to the worker than the operation of the culture sample, it is recommended to determine a lower level of biosafety. On the other hand, if the experimental operation involves a larger sample and/or a higher concentration ("production quantity") of a pathogen preparation, or may produce an aerosol, or the operation itself is dangerous, additional precautions are needed And raise the level of primary and secondary non-proliferation devices. "Production quantity" refers to the volume or concentration of infectious pathogens, which greatly exceeds the amount needed for routine identification and typing. Just as in large-scale fermentations, the production of antigens and vaccines, and various commercial and research activities, the proliferation and concentration of infectious pathogens requires the handling of a large number of "production-quantity" levels of infectious pathogens. A large number of infective pathogens may cause an increased risk, so it is not possible to limit the “production quantity” to a limited volume or concentration for any given pathogen. Therefore, the laboratory supervisor must evaluate the experimental operations to be performed, choose the appropriate operating techniques and non-proliferation instruments and facilities that are dangerous, and do not need to consider the volume and concentration of pathogens involved.