通用名:脑膜炎奈瑟菌诊断血清英文名:antisera for N.meningitidis
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( MOB:杨永汉)

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为了对这一问题有更深的了解,由美国加利福尼亚大学圣塔克鲁斯分校(UCSC)的计算生物学家David Haussler领导的一个研究小组,对5种脊椎动物——人、小鼠、大鼠、鸡和河豚——的垃圾DNA序列与4种昆虫、两种蠕虫和7种酵母的垃圾DNA序列进行了比较。研究人员从对比结果中得到了一个惊人的模式:生物越复杂,垃圾DNA似乎就越重要。
参与该项研究工作的UCSC计算生物学家Adam Siepel指出,有关蠕虫的研究结果需要慎重对待,这是由于科学家仅仅对其中的两个基因组进行了分析。尽管如此,Siepel还是认为,这一发现有力地支持了这样一种理论,即脊椎动物和昆虫的生物复杂性的增加主要是由于基因调节的精细模式。
However, the consistent study of junk DNA obtained from humans, mice and rats in 2004 shows that important regulatory mechanisms may be involved in this area to control underlying biochemical reactions and developmental processes , Which will help creatures evolve into more complex bodies. The fact that more genes in complex organisms do not mutate compared to simple eukaryotes undoubtedly greatly reinforces this finding.
To gain a deeper understanding of this issue, a research team led by David Haussler, a computational biologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), evaluated five vertebrate-human, mouse, rat , Chicken and puffer - were compared with the junk DNA sequences of four insects, two worms and seven yeasts. The researchers got an amazing pattern from the comparison: the more complex the organism, the more important the junk DNA seems to be.
The implication here is that if different kinds of organisms have the same DNA, then the DNA must be used to solve some of the key issues. Yeast and vertebrate share a certain amount of DNA, after all, they all need to make protein, but only 15% of the shared DNA has nothing to do with the gene. In a July 14, 2005, online edition of the Journal of Genomic Research, the team reported that they compared yeast to the more complex worm, a multicellular organism found to have 40% of the consensus DNA Not coded. Subsequently, the researchers compared vertebrates to insects, which are more complex than worms and found that more than 66% of the common DNA contained uncoded DNA.
Adam Siepel, a UCSC computational biologist involved in the research, said the study on worms needs to be treated with caution because scientists analyzed only two of the genomes. Nevertheless, Siepel believes that this finding strongly supports the theory that the increase in the biological complexity of vertebrates and insects is mainly due to the fine mode of gene regulation.
DNA probe
DNA probes are the most commonly used nucleic acid probes, referring to double-stranded DNA or single-stranded DNA probes that are over several hundred base pairs in length. DNA probes are now available in large quantities and include DNA probes for bacterial, viral, protozoal, fungal, animal and human cells. Such probes are mostly all or part of a gene sequence, or a non-coding sequence. These DN bacterial segments must be specific, such as bacterial virulence factor probes and human Alu probes. The acquisition of these DNA probes depends on the development and application of molecular cloning techniques.