4-Acetamidophenol | Estrone-3-sulfate | Oxolinic acid |
Acetophenetidin | Ethyl-p-aminobenzoate | Oxycodone |
N-Acetylprocainamide | Fenfluramine | Oxymetazoline |
Acetylsalicylic acid | Fenoprofen | Papaverine |
Aminopyrine | Furosemide | Penicillin-G |
Amitryptyline | Gentisic acid | Pentazocine |
Amobarbital | Hemoglobin | Pentobarbital |
Amoxicillin | Hydralazine | Perphenazine |
Ampicillin | Hydrochlorothiazide | Phencyclidine |
Ascorbic acid | Hydrocodone | Phenelzine |
Apomorphine | Hydrocortisone | Phenobarbital |
Aspartame | p-Hydroxyamphetamine | l-Phenylephrine |
Atropine | O-Hydroxyhippuric acid | b-Phenylethlamine |
Benzilic acid | p-Hydroxy-methamphetamine | Phenylpropanolamine |
Benzoic acid | Prednisolone |
Benzoylecgonine | 3-Hydroxytyramine | Prednisone |
Benzphetamine | Ibuprofen | Procaine |
Bilirubin | Imipramine | Promazine |
Brompheniramine | (-) Isoproterenol | Promethazine |
Caffeine | Isoxsuprine | d,l-Propanolol |
Cannabidiol | Ketamine | d-Propoxyphene |
Cannabinol | Ketoprofen | d-Pseudoephedrine |
Chloralhydrate | Labetalol | Quinidine |
Chloramphenicol | Levorphanol | Quinine |
Chlordiazepoxide | Loperamide | Ranitidine |
Chlorothiazide | Maprotiline | Salicylic acid |
(±) Chlorpheniramine | Meperidine | Secobarbital |
Chlorpromazine | Meprobamate | Serotonin (5-Hydroxytyramine) |
Chlorquine | Methadone |
Cholesterol | d-methamphetamine | Sulfamethazine |
Clomipramine | (l)-methamphetamine | Sulindac |
Clonidine | Methoxyphenamine | Temazepam |
Cocaine hydrochloride | 3,4-Methylenedioxyethyl-amphetamine | Tetracycline |
Codeine | Tetrahydrocortisone, 3 Acetate |
Cortisone | (+) 3,4-Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine |
(-) Cotinine | Tetrahydrocortisone 3 (b-D glucuronide) |
Creatinine | Methylphenidate |
Deoxycorticosterone | Morphine-3-b-D-glucuronide | Tetrahydrozoline |
Dextromethorphan | Thebaine |
Diazepam | Nalidixic acid | Thiamine |
Diclofenac | Naloxone | Thioridazine |
Diflunisal | Naltrexone | Tolbutamine |
Digoxin | Naproxen | Triamterene |
Diphenhydramine | Niacinamide | Trifluoperazine |
Doxylamine | Nifedipine | Trimethoprim |
Ecgonine hydrochloride | Norcodein | Trimipramine |
Ecgonine methylester | Norethindrone | d,l-Tryptophan |
(IR,2S)-(-)-Ephedrine | d-Norpropoxyphene | Tyramine |
l-Ephedrine | Noscapine | d,l-Tyrosine |
(-) Y Ephedrine | d,l-Octopamine | Uric acid |
Erythromycin | Oxalic acid | Verapamil |
b-Estradiol | Oxazepam | Zomepirac |
mob: 杨 :

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【 市场部 】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州市清华科技园健新基地番禺石楼镇健启路63号二期2幢101-103室

用单克隆抗体查循环抗原可作为抗丝虫 病药物LX评价的检测方法。DNA杂交试验和PCR可用于微丝蚴血 症检查,血中微丝蚴量少和需行虫种鉴定者尤为适用。诊断 依据 流行区旅居史,有反复发作的淋巴结炎、性淋巴管炎、乳糜尿、 精索炎、象皮肿等临床,即应考虑丝虫病可能。外周血、体液中 找到微丝蚴,诊断即可确立。疑为丝虫病而未检出微丝蚴者可以 大剂量乙胺嗪(海生)作ZL性诊断,如出现发热、淋巴系统反 应和淋巴结节,诊断即可成立。急性期的淋巴管炎、淋巴结炎应 与细菌性相区别。晚期腹股沟淋巴肿大形成之肿注意与腹股沟疝 区别。精索炎和附睾炎应与附睾结核鉴别。入迷尿虽多见于丝虫 病,但也偶见于结核、肿瘤、包虫病以及其他因素所致腹膜后淋 巴系统广泛破坏而引起的淋巴通路受阻。1、具有特异性(或称专 一性):机体的二次应答是针对再次进入机体的抗原,而不是针 对其他初次进入机体的抗原;病原体有班氏丝虫、马来丝虫和帝 纹丝虫等。我国以班氏丝虫为主。以多种库蚊及按蚊为传播媒介 。当蚊虫叮人血时,将微丝蚴吸入蚊胃,在蚊体内经10~14天发 育为活跃的感染期幼虫,多位于蚊的下唇。当蚊再次吸人血时, 感染期幼虫进入人体伤口附近淋巴管,再移行至大淋巴管或淋巴 结内,发育为成虫。雌雄成虫交配后,雌虫产出微丝蚴,随淋巴 液经胸导管进入血液循环。
Checking circulating antigens with monoclonal antibodies can be used as a method for evaluating the efficacy of anti-filariasis drugs. DNA hybridization assays and PCR can be used for microfilament blood tests. Microfilaments in the blood are small and the need for species identification is particularly appropriate. Diagnosis Based on the history of travel in popular areas, there are recurrent lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, chyluria, spermatic inflammation, elephantiasis, and other clinical conditions, that is, the possibility of filariasis should be considered. Microfilariae are found in peripheral blood and body fluids and diagnosis can be established. Suspected filariasis without detection of microfilariae can be treated with large doses of diethylcarbamazine (maritim) for therapeutic diagnosis. If fever, lymph system reaction, and lymph node are found, the diagnosis can be established. Acute lymphangitis and lymphadenitis should be distinguished from bacterial ones. The difference between swollen attention and inguinal hernia in late inguinal lymphadenopathy. Spermitis and epididymitis should be differentiated from epididymal tuberculosis. Although urine enters the urine, it is occasionally found in filariasis, but it is also occasionally seen in lymphatic pathways caused by extensive destruction of the retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy due to tuberculosis, tumors, echinococcosis, and other factors. 1. Specificity (or specificity): The body’s secondary response is directed against the antigen that re-enters the body, but not against other antigens that initially enter the body; pathogens include Bancrofti, Bacillus, and Divina. Filaments and so on. Our country is mainly based on filamentous fimbriae. A variety of mosquitoes and mosquitoes are used as vectors. When the mosquitoes lick human blood, the microfilariae are sucked into the mosquitoes' stomachs and developed into active infectious larvae within 10 to 14 days in the mosquitoes, mostly in the lower lip of the mosquitoes. When the mosquitoes again inhale blood, the infected larvae enter the lymphatics near the human wound and migrate to the lymphatics or lymph nodes and develop into adult worms. After mating with male and female adults, females produce microfilariae, which enter the bloodstream through the thoracic ducts.