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( MOB:杨永汉)

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103

此系统能把由脑干传来的大多数弥散的易化性 信号转送到大脑皮层的所有部分,从而引起大脑皮层的普遍激活。非 特异性丘脑皮层投射系统,不仅包括髓板内核,还包括中线核及部分 腹前核。此系统对皮层、额皮层联络区和皮层下结构都有持久的影响 ,特别是丘脑联络核。综上所述,丘脑主要接受两方面的传入,即外 周和皮层的,前者带来由于机体内、外环境变化而引起的感觉冲动 ; 而皮层投射又将大脑皮层记忆机制和丘脑在一起,并将丘脑置于 皮层控制之下。丘脑还与下丘脑和纹状体皮层下结构有纤维连接,通 过此连接,丘脑可影响内脏和躯体效应器。丘脑病变引起症状其症状 可因损伤部位及范围不同而异。常见的有:对侧半身肢体瘫痪,严重 的体表及深感觉障碍,不可忍受的疼痛,协调功能障碍及血管运动障 碍;不自主运动及轻度共济失调;自主神经系统活动障碍;心理障碍 等。脑桥的部位位于延髓上方,腹面膨大的部分称为脑桥基底部,基 底部向两侧变窄,称脑桥臂,与后方的小脑相。基底部外侧有三 叉神经出脑,横沟里由内向外依次有外展神经、面神经和位听神经。 脑干的中段,位于小脑下方延髓和中脑之间,前后缘有横沟为界,其 腹侧面(基底部)显著凸出,可见由横行纤维构成的连接小脑左右两 侧的桥样结构,因此得名。构成脑桥的内部有横行交叉的纤维束叫斜 方体,属听觉纤维。它将脑桥分成背腹两部,背侧部,称脑桥背盖,腹 侧底部称脑桥基底部。背盖部为延髓的延续。是种系发生上比较古老 的部分,结构复杂,上与中脑连接,内部含有脑干网状结构、上行和 下行传导束及Ⅴ~Ⅷ对颅神经核;基底部在种系发生上较新,是随大 脑与小脑半球建立后出现的,其膨大部分内含脑桥核及由此核发 出的纤维,锥体束也在其中通过。脑桥的背面露于第Ⅳ脑室成为第Ⅳ 脑室底。两侧与小脑以小脑上脚(结合臂)和小脑中脚(脑桥臂)为界 。尚不完全清楚。已发现的主要结果归纳如下。调整呼吸参加呼吸节 律的控制 脑桥的网状结构是呼吸的组成部分。
This system can transfer most of the diffusible facilitation signals from the brainstem to all parts of the cerebral cortex, causing general activation of the cerebral cortex. Non-specific thalamic cortex projection system, including not only the medullary plate core, but also the midline and part of the anterior nucleus. This system has a lasting effect on the cortex, the frontal cortex contact area, and the subcortical structures, especially the thalamic contact nuclei. In summary, the thalamus mainly accepts two aspects of afferent, ie peripheral and cortical, the former brings the sensory impulse caused by the changes of the internal and external environment of the body; and the cortical projection in turn connects the cerebral cortex memory mechanism and the thalamus , And place the thalamus under cortical control. The thalamus also has fibrous connections to the hypothalamus and striatum beneath the subcortical structure through which the thalamus can affect visceral and somatic effects. Symptoms caused by thalamic lesions may vary depending on the site and extent of injury. Common are: paralysis of the contralateral half body, severe surface and deep sensory disturbances, intolerable pain, coordination dysfunction and vascular dyskinesia; involuntary movements and mild ataxia; autonomic nervous system disorders; psychological disorders Wait. The pontine is located above the medulla oblongata. The enlarged portion of the ventral surface is called the base of the pontine. The basal portion is narrowed to the sides, called the pons and is associated with the cerebellum at the rear. Outside the base of the trigeminal nerve out of the brain, the lateral ditch from the inside out in order to have the abducens nerve, facial nerve and bit auditory nerve. The middle part of the brain stem is located between the medulla oblongata and the midbrain beneath the cerebellum. The anteroposterior surface (basal part) of the anterior and posterior edge is marked by a transverse groove. The bridge-like structure connecting the left and right sides of the cerebellum, So got its name. The internal structure of the pontine cross-transverse fiber bundle called the rhomboid, is aural fibers. It will be divided into two pylorus palar, dorsal part, said palar back cover, the bottom of the ventral pontine base. The back cover is a continuation of the medulla oblongata. Is an ancient part of phylogeny that has a complex structure and is connected to the midbrain. The inner part contains the brainstem reticular structure, the ascending and descending conduits, and the cranial nerve nucleus of Ⅷ to Ⅷ. The basal part is newer in germline development , Appears with the brain and cerebellar hemisphere after the emergence of contact, the enlarged part of the pons and nucleus containing the nuclear issue of the fiber, the cone beam also passed through them. The back of the pons is exposed in the fourth ventricle as the fourth ventricle. Both sides of the cerebellum with the cerebellum (binding arm) and cerebellum in the middle (pons) for the sector. Not yet fully understood. The main findings that have been found are summarized below. Adjust breathing to participate in the control of respiratory rhythm Palar network structure is part of the respiratory center.